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History at Weber State

Weber State’s history degree broadens your worldview, helping you understand how significant events, cultures and people shaped our world while gaining valuable research and analytical skills for your future career.

History Highlights

Weber State history majors have a wide range of elective courses to choose from and numerous scholarships to help you earn your degree. The history department is also home to the “Journal of World History,” which provides our interns with the opportunity to prepare historical research on cross-cultural or transnational scale for publication.

Weber State’s history department, along with the Weber Historical Society, regularly invites historians to campus to lecture on topics from across the globe and around the state.

Beyond the Classroom

WSU’s German Exchange Program offers History Majors study abroad credit at the prestigious University of Tübingen in Germany. After graduation, our alumni go on to rewarding careers in law, business, journalism, management, teaching, publishing and more.


Coleman Baker

Class of 2020

"Finishing my program at Weber State through the History Department contributed to my development as a critical historian. The rigor of the courses forced me to think about history analytically and to take multiple perspectives. Looking back, I know the excellent faculty helped prepare me for my career as an educator."

What You’ll LEARN at Weber

You’ll learn how politics, warfare, theology, literature, environment and family life have changed throughout the world over time. You can also participate in original research, study abroad, conduct oral histories and work with history scholars.

History is a dynamic course of study that helps students become inventive and capable thinkers, researchers, writers and communicators.

Whether you pursue graduate work, employment, teaching or work at historical sites, the history department has something for you.

What You CAN DO After Weber

Because history offers an intense training in writing and analysis, you’ll find career opportunities in a wide range of fields. Graduates from Weber State’s history program also have continued their education in top-tier graduate programs at Duke, Yale, Harvard and other universities. 

If you have questions, contact a WSU Career Advisor.

Faculty Perspective

Teaching and studying history is really rewarding because it helps us uncover how we got here, and makes us recognize that our social world is not natural, but the result of human choices and decision.

Susan Matt

When I consider some of the exceptional features of the history program here at Weber State, the one thing that really stands out for me is the level of engagement between students and faculty made possible by our small class sizes.

Brady Browe