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Clubs & Organizations

The Department of Health Administrative Services Offers opportunities for you to connect with students and industry professionals on and off campus. Explore your opportunities to connect!

Future Health Leaders Association (FHLA)

FHLA provides programs and venues where students can network with successful WSU alumni and those employed in healthcare administration or other leadership positions. FHLA is free and also sponsors activities that generate funding to help student members attend events like guest lectures or professional meetings.

The FHLA network of professional associations includes, but is not limited to, the American College of Healthcare Executives, the Medical Group Management Association, the American Healthcare Association, the Healthcare Financial Management Association, the Utah Hospital Association, and any local subsidiary of such associations, such as the Utah Healthcare Executives.

Currently-enrolled students of the Dumke College of Health Professions are eligible for membership in FHLA. This includes any pre-medical majors, such as clinical laboratory sciences, zoology or chemistry.

If you are interested in becoming an FHLA club officer, or are looking for more information, email

FHLA students are invited to attend department events as well.

News & Events

Upsilon Phi Delta

Membership in Upsilon Phi Delta is a national academic honor society for students in healthcare administration in the United States. The organization was started in 1965 to further the profession of healthcare administrators and leaders, as well as reward and encourage academic excellence in the study of healthcare management and policy.

By joining the Upsilon Phi Delta Honor Society, you'll not only be recognized for your academic achievements but also gain access to a network of like-minded individuals and unique opportunities.

Upsilon Phi Delta Admission Requirements

  • 3.75 or higher GPA 
  • Must be in second year of program
  • Letter of recommendation from a healthcare employment supervisor or another healthcare professional faculty, that can speak to your commitment to healthcare

If you meet admission requirements, reach out to Associate Professor Cory Moss at is a $35 application fee.