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Communication Newsletter

September 2021


Welcome Back!

Spaces are still available in classes and advisors are here to help. Please reach out if you have any advising questions. Feel free to email Anne Bialowas to help get you started.  If you need help with a registration override or need technical assistance, please contact Sare Gardner at The Department of Communication office is open Monday- Thursday 8:00-5:00 and Friday 8:00-1:00. You can also call us at 801-626-6426 or email Of course, you can also leave a message any time, we will get back to you.

We have two new classes this Fall. COMM 2820 Podcast Production is MW 12:30-1:45. This course will acquaint students with all aspects of podcasting and help them become better storytellers. COMM 3840 Data Visualization and Storytelling is MWF 11:30-12:20. Communicating complex data to audiences is a growing skill needed in the workforce and this course will help you effectively tell your story to audiences.

This is the September edition of the monthly email to majors. At least once a month during the regular school year, we will email you to let you know about meetings of student organizations, guest speakers, important deadlines, opportunities, student and faculty achievements—and more. If you have information that you’d like us to distribute, please email department chair Anne Bialowas

What's Happening


  • August 30 First day of classes


  • September 3 Block Party by clock tower
  • September 6 Labor Day, no class


Check out The Signpost's Orientation issue, on newsstands now and available online at The Signpost is Weber State's student newspaper, published twice a week, in print on Tuesday and digitally on both Tuesday and Friday. To make sure you don't miss an issue, sign up to have the digital edition delivered to your email inbox at this link.

The Signpost still has room for a few reporters and photographers for the fall semester. The Signpost is a co-curricular, meaning it is both a class (COMM 2890 or COMM 3890) and activity that qualifies staffers for small scholarships. Staff meetings/class times are Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2:30 p.m. For more information, contact adviser Jean Norman,

The Signpost also may still have positions open for the street team/distribution. The team promotes The Signpost at tables during special events, such as the Block Party, and in the Shepherd Union throughout the semester. It also ensures prompt distribution of The Signpost to newsstands on Tuesday mornings. Pay starts at $11 an hour, and it requires only a few hours a week, just enough to supplement another campus position. For more information, go to the job posting.


Jason Bell, Master of Professional Communication graduate, was accepted to a doctoral program at the University of Utah.

Casey Black, Organizational Communication graduate, reported that he will be starting law school at Seattle University in the fall. Casey noted that Communication Law was one of the highlights of his undergraduate degree.

Jessica Miller, Master of Professional Communication graduate, is a finalist for the national prestigious 2021 Livingston Award for articles she wrote for the Salt Lake Tribune in 2020 about the troubled teen industry. Additionally, Jessica Miller was awarded the Public Service award at the Utah Society of Professional Journalist ceremony for the investigative work on the troubled teen industry that helped enact new historic regulations.

Jasen Lee, Master of Professional Communication graduate, was awarded 1st and 2nd place for best military reporting at the Utah Society of Professional Journalist ceremony.

Niki Tonks, Master of Professional Communication graduate, will present her research at the National Communication Association Conference. The title of the paper is Using Uncertainty Reduction Theory to Explore Miscommunication in Cross-Generational Texting.

Mitchell Whitfield, Master of Professional Communication graduate, will present his research with co-author Alex Lancaster at the National Communication Association Conference. The title of the paper is A Dark Tetrad of Reality: Assessing the Ideology of Involuntary Celibates.

Faculty Accomplishments

Dr. Sheree Josephson was awarded the Clifford P. Cheney Service to Journalism at the Utah Society of Professional Journalist awards ceremony.

Andrea Baltazer, M.F.A., was elected to serve on Faculty Senate for the 21-22 academic year.

Dr. Alex Lancaster was promoted to Associate Professor and granted tenure.

Aimee Gillette, M.F.A., is now an Adobe Certified Professional in Digital Video Using Adobe Premier Pro as well as an Adobe Certified Professional in Visual Effects & Motion Graphics Using Adobe After Effects. By gaining both of those credentials, Aimee is now an Adobe Certified Professional in Video Design.

We welcome 4 new faculty:

Dr. Nicole Defenbaugh

Nicole recently moved from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, but was born and raised in Wisconsin (Go Packers!). Prior to joining WSU she worked as a Communication Specialist and Medical Educator in healthcare for more than eight years. In her past life--before joining healthcare--she was a full-time Associate Professor at Bloomsburg University and taught courses in Organizational, Intercultural, Health, and Interpersonal Communication. Nicole will be teaching in the Organizational Communication track and is excited to be joining the department. She lives in Ogden with her spouse, Jerry, and their 4 year-old rescue dog, Lucy. 

Cami Sabin

Cami Sabin graduated from Weber State’s Master of Professional Communication program in April 2017 and has been an adjunct instructor since then. She also works part-time for Brigham City doing public relations and research, and is on track to earn a Certificate of Professional and Technical Writing in spring 2022. Her current professional interests include motivation of lower-level organizational members, and the intersections of religion, culture and gender. When she isn’t working or studying, she spends as much time as possible with her husband and three kids and slowly works her way through the growing stack of books on her nightstand.

James (Jim) Schultz

Jim Schultz is the new Director of Debate and instructor of Communication at Weber State. Jim was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and raised in Jupiter, Florida. A graduate of Idaho State University (BA, History) and Wake Forest University (MA, Communication), Jim was working for a data analytics consulting firm specializing in Geographical Information Systems prior to joining Weber. When not working, Jim enjoys cheering on the World Champion Milwaukee Bucks and Liverpool FC, as well as hiking through Utah’s beautiful nature. 

Deann Shepard

Deann Shepherd is excited to join the Weber State family and share her industry experience and passion for teaching. She worked as the director of marketing and communications for Utah's largest nonprofit animal welfare organization, as a publicist for a national television, film, and music production company, and has spent years in business management and training. She recently earned her master’s degree in strategic communication and has a background in psychology and biology. Deann enjoys scuba diving, rock climbing, motorcycle riding, camping, and spending time with her family and pets.

Get Involved – Join a Communication Club!

The Signpost

Dr. Jean Norman

Studio 76

Dr. Aaron Atkins

KWCR Wildcat Radio

Dr. Jean Norman

WSU Debate

Coach Lauren Johnson

WSU Speech

Coach Mark Galaviz

Ogden Peak Communications

Dr. Leslie Howerton


Dr. Leslie Howerton

Society of Professional Journalists

Dr. Jean Norman

Departmental Honors

Dr. Hailey Gillen Hoke

Lambda Pi Eta

Dr. Robin Haislett