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Communication Newsletter

January 2023

Study Abroad Summer 2023

If you want to earn credits to count toward your degree while spending time in the nation’s capital, look no further than our summer Study Abroad trip! Running from May 22nd to June 3rd, students can learn about the first amendment while visiting some of the most historic sites in the country.

Upcoming Events

The Investigative Journalism class is hosting two prestigious speakers in February and they are inviting everyone who is interested to attend.

Salt Lake Tribune investigative reporter Jessica Miller will be speaking on
Wednesday, Feb.1st, at 5:30 p.m. in Elizabeth Hall 314. Miller was part of the Pulitzer Prize-winning team at the Tribune that uncovered the BYU Police Department was distributing information to the Honor Code office. She has gone on to investigate abuse in Utah’s troubled teen industry and now hosts "Sent Away" on KUER. Oh, and she's a Weber State alum.

KSL long-form journalist Dave Cawley, host of the hit investigative podcast COLD, will be speaking on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd at 5:30 p.m. in Elizabeth Hall 314. Cawley joined KSL NewsRadio in 2012 as executive producer of the afternoon news. He became executive producer of digital content in 2018 where he began investigating the Susan Powell case, which became the first season of COLD. He has since investigated and produced two more seasons of COLD, reporting on the cases of Joyce Yost and Sheree Warren.

The Signpost is accepting applications through January 30th for 2023-24 editor-in-chief. Once a new editor-in-chief is selected, applications will open for other editor positions and later for new staff members. For more information, email advisor Jean Norman,

Have a message to send to a special someone?

The Signpost will accept Valentine's messages for its Feb. 14th issue for $5 each at a table in the Shepherd Union through Feb. 10th.

For more information, email Rob Steedley,

Digital Media and Film Showcase, Thursday April 13th 6 p.m
This showcase is an opportunity for all Weber State students to show off audio and video projects created in the past year. Come see what your peers have been working on and catch a glimpse of greatness!

Speech Showcase, Thursday April 20th 7 p.m.
The final five finalists selected from the 25 top speakers in our Public Speaking, COMM 1020, spring semester classes will be presenting their award-winning speeches to a public audience. Join us and hear what they have to say!

Student Accomplishments

On Jan. 23rd, Dr. Michael Ault presented the results of a focus group study conducted by his Spring 2022 Communication 3100 (Small Group Facilitation and Leadership) students to the Weber-Morgan Board of Health. The study was conducted on behalf of the Weber-Morgan Health Department and sought to identify how and why low-income residents use or are unable to use government assistance programs. This information will be used for future coordination among multiple government agencies throughout the state to assist low-income residents access vital resources.

KWCR helped host a Sundance screening of “Animalia” in the Wildcat Theater on Tuesday, January 24th, 5:00 p.m.

Weber State Speech Team took first place at the Great Salt Lake Invitational!

Individual awards included:

Sophie Beck – 1st in Info Speaking, 2nd in Poetry, 3rd in Persuasive Speaking, and 3rd in Prose
Jazmyne Olson – 1st in Comm Analysis, 1st in Duo Interp, and 4th in Dramatic Interpretation
Saxony Ruckman – 1st in Program of Oral Interpretation, 2nd in Info Speaking, and 3rd in Duo
Keely Brynn – 1st in Duo, 3rd in Poetry
Akir Rowe – 1st in Impromptu Speaking, and 4th in After Dinner Speaking
Lilly Nunley – 3rd in Dramatic Interpretation, and 3rd in After Dinner Speaking
Savannah Mason – 3rd in Duo Interpretation, and 5th in Dramatic Interpretation
Annee Farner – 5th in Persuasive Speaking
Morgan Allen – 6th in Dramatic Interpretation

Alumni News

Corie Sue Holmes, undergrad class of 2013 and MPC class of 2022, accepted a
position to be the Associate Director of Communications at the University of Utah for the women’s basketball team.

Abdulrahman Almohammadi “Rahman,” class of 2022, shared this report: “I managed to secure an internship with a content creating company that covers sports around the world. After that I secured a production assistant job at NEOM Media, which is one of the biggest studios in the Middle East.”

Lola Amacher, Class of 2018 has a publication with Associate Professor Michael Ault

Amacher, A., Ault, M. K., & Van Gilder, B. (2022). Surviving in higher education:
How communication influences Tongan students’ assimilation in higher education
institutions. Western Journal of Communication.

Faculty Accomplishments

Li Chen has a publication accepted/in press.

Chen, L., & Liebler, C. M. (Accepted/In press). #MeToo on Twitter: The migration
of celebrity capital and social capital in online celebrity advocacy. New Media and

Sheree Josephson was selected to share as a Fulbright alum in the 2023 Fulbright
Specialist Program information session. Fulbright had nearly 100 alumni responding to
the call for volunteer speakers.

Nicola Corbin and Anne Bialowas have a book chapter being published.

Corbin, N. A., & Bialowas, A. (2023). When fandom stains your team: Evaluating
the effectiveness of the Utah Jazz’s organizational responses to racist incidents.
Social Issues in Sport Communication: You Make the Call. Routledge

Get Involved – Join a Communication Club!

The Signpost

Dr. Jean Norman

Studio 76

Dr. Aaron Atkins

KWCR Wildcat Radio

Dr. Jean Norman

WSU Debate

Coach Lauren Johnson

WSU Speech

Coach Mark Galaviz

Ogden Peak Communications

Dr. Leslie Howerton


Dr. Leslie Howerton

Society of Professional Journalists

Dr. Jean Norman

Departmental Honors

Dr. Hailey Gillen Hoke

Lambda Pi Eta

Dr. Robin Haislett