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Studying Biomedical Engineering at Weber State

The biomedical engineering program combines chemistry, biology, physics and, of course, engineering to prepare students to design and build the next generation of medical technology.  

The Weber State University Biomedical Engineering program is pursuing accreditation by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET.

Biomedical Engineering Highlights

As a BME student, you will have an opportunity to pursue upper-division electives, including courses from electrical engineering, neuroscience, microbiology and more!

Weber State’s BME program provides in-depth design skills in electrical engineering, choosing to focus on depth over breadth. If you want to know how an MRI works, or even to design a better one, the BME program is the place to start.

Beyond the Classroom

All biomedical engineering students will complete a two-semester senior capstone design project where they will demonstrate technical proficiency and project management skills as they seek to design, build and demonstrate a novel project conceived by a faculty mentor, industry veteran, or even the students themselves.

What You’ll LEARN at Weber

Learn to engineer solutions to problems at the intersection of engineering and the life sciences. You'll study:

  • Biomedical Design and Standards
  • Signals & Systems
  • Microelectronics for Biomedical Engineers
  • Digital Systems
  • Embedded Systems

What You CAN DO After Weber

Graduates can pursue many roles:

  • Biomaterials Developer
  • Manufacturing Engineer
  • Biomedical Scientist/Researcher
  • Rehabilitation Engineer
  • Computer software engineer

If you have questions, contact a WSU Career Advisor.