Wei Qiu, Ph.D.

Professor of Early Childhood Education
Department of Child and Family Studies
Moyes College of Education
Weber State University
1351 Edvalson St Dept 1301
Ogden, UT 84408-1301
Email:  weiqiu@weber.edu 
Phone:  801-626-7386
Ph.D. Human Development and Family Studies, University of Delaware
M.S. Human Development and Family Studies, University of Delaware
M.A. English, Nanjing University
B.A. English, Nanjing University
Courses Taught Currently
ECED 2610 Child Guidance 
ECED 4230 / GSE 6230 Observing and Assessing Children in Context 
ECED 4990 Seminar in Early Childhood Education 
Recent Publications
Zhang, C., Qiu, W., Li, H., Li, J., Zhang, L., Li, X., & Li, J. (2021). Parental stress and home activities for young children during the stay-at-home quarantine time in China. Early Education and Development, 32(6), 843-862. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2021.1949561 
Zhang, C., & Qiu, W. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on parental stress and young children’s development during physical distancing. Natural Hazards Center Quick Response Grant Report Series, 312. Boulder, CO: Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder. https://hazards.colorado.edu/quick-response-report/impact-of-the-covid-19-pandemic-on-parental-stress-and-young-childrens-development-during-physical-distancing
Research Projects
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on parental stress and young children's development during self-isolation. (2020). (Co-PI: Chenyi Zhang). Funded by the Natural Hazards Center Quick Response Research Grant COVID-19. 
  • Chinese cultural adaptation of PICCOLO measure. (2019-present). (Co-PI: Sheila Anderson). Funded by the Weber State University Hemingway Vitality Grant.
  • Establishing a research assessment database system for the Melba S. Lehner Children's School. (2017-2020). (Co-PI: Sheila Anderson). Funded by the Weber State University Melba S. Lehner Children's School Endowment.
  • Impact of parent-child interactions on developmental outcomes of Chinese urban children. (2016-present). (Co-PI: Sheila Anderson). Funded by the Weber State University Moyes College of Education Endowment.
Professional Services


Revised 7/1/2024