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Winter 1998, Volume 15.1


A. Udaya Thomas

A. Udaya Thomas (B.A., The College of Wooster) is a Residence Program Director and patient care technician. This is her first publication.


Mangoes Are Not in Season

We sat down at the table in the corner
Our first meal together (off the train)
Anticipating all the things to come
"I want a mango juice", she said
"They're not in season", I replied.
But she didn't pay any attention
She ordered, only to hear the waiter say,
"Mangoes are not in season."
Little did I know that this episode would repeat
countless times.
It became a part of her.
Wanting what wasn't there.
Living in what trips to India used to be
Remembering the hot summers when
Mangoes were in season.
Things are different now
We are alone
We are on our own,
And mangoes are not in season.


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