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Spring/Summer 1996, Volume 13.2


William E. H. Meyer, Jr.

William E. H. Meyer, Jr., is a free-lance writer and artist. His poetry, essays, and graphics have appeared in Modern Poetry Studies, Fiction International, Stanford Literature Review, Weber Studies, and others.  See other work by William E. H. Meyer, Jr. in Weber Studies:  Vol. 10.1 (essay)Vol. 12.2 (essay)Vol. 17.0 (poetry), and Vol. 18.3 (poetry).


A Talk with My Mother

At the table, we sit, eating
fried steak and salad and brownies.
Our eyes seldom meet
as we talk of Ruth and my own failures.
I thank her for giving me time
to write poetry

                          and criticism.
She understands how night
controls the hands of the
crucified Lucifer from Texas.


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