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Weber State Virtual Lab

Virtual Lab was created to provide students access to applications that would otherwise be costly for a student to obtain. Before Virtual Lab, students had to visit a campus computer lab to access the software needed for their classes.

Virtual Lab Instructions and Setup

Insert your Flash Drive BEFORE logging into Virtual Lab

Setup Instructions for Tablets

If you are using a TABLET, go to the App Store and search for Citrix

  • From the Apps Store search on "Citrix"
  • Select "Citrix Receiver" and download/install
  • Click on "Get Started" to Install the "Citrix Receiver"
  • Open the "Citrix" receiver
  • You may be prompted to allow access from the server to your device. Click “Allow” when you are prompted to “Permit Access”
  • You may be prompted twice to enter your username and password – See specific login directions from the buttons below.
  • Login instructions are device dependent

When you are prompted to enter an email or server address make sure to use WITHOUT the http. Do NOT use your email address.

Launch your Citrix Receiver Application to begin using Virtual Labs

Setup Instructions for Desktops/Laptops (FULL OS)

Do NOT use these instructions if you are using a Tablet or a
Non-Pro Surface

If this is your first time using the Virtual Lab on a DESKTOP/LAPTOP with a Full Operating System – Download the latest Citrix Receiver/Workspace by going to download and install it.

  • Once that is done, go to (NOTE: make sure to include https)
  • Login with your Weber username and password.
  • To add the application to the Home Screen, click on the Apps Tab at the top of the screen.
  • Find the application you want to launch or add to your Home Screen.
  • Click on that application to launch it or click on the Application's "Star" to add it to your Home Screen.
  • Now you can launch any application from your Home Screen or Apps tab by clicking on it
  • You may be prompted to allow access from the server to your device. Click “Allow” when you are prompted to “Permit Access”
  • Once you have added the applications to your Home Screen, you shouldn't need to add them the next time you use Virtual Lab.

For Help Contact the IT Service Desk

IT Service Desk

Ogden Campus: Lampros Hall room 110

Telephone:  (801) 626-7777