
Our mission is to provide VUB participants with the educational opportunities they need to be successful. Most of our program participants are non-traditional college students who face special challenges in re-entering the college environment. The VUB staff at Weber State University is especially experienced and sympathetic in this area and has the expertise to help veterans move forward in obtaining the education they want. We serve veterans at any of the institutions of higher education located along the Wasatch Front.


Veterans Upward Bound specifically serves veterans who are transitioning from the service into post-secondary education. We offer free academic advising, career counseling, testing,and instructional services to eligible veterans.


  • Must have served at least 181 days active duty
  • OR Was a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces called to active duty for a period of more than 30days (at least 31 days) on or after September 11, 2001
  • OR Was called to active duty for less than 30 days to serve in support of a contingency operation on or after September 11, 2001
  • AND be one of the following:
    • Potential first-generation college graduation (neither parent graduated from college)
    • Low income


Drop in, call our office (801-626-7173) or complete our online application to get started.

Enrollment Application

Us Department Education
Trio Veterans Upward Bound
Department of Workforce Services

Veterans Upward Bound: 801-626-7173  |  vub@weber.edu  |  Facebook VUB