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Admissions and Retention

Committee Members

Melina Alexander

University Representative

Teri Henke
Department of Child and Family Studies

Ryan Zimmerman
Department of Health Promotion and Human Performance

Stephen Francis
History Department

Rachel Bachman
Math Department

Helpful Links

Pre-program referrals are made for students not yet admitted into the teacher education licensure programs. These referrals are given for failure to meet the academic or behavioral dispositions required for being a teacher. 

Notices of remediation are given to students admitted into the teacher education program that are in a teacher education course or field experience to notify them of not meeting expectations in order to help them succeed in teacher education licensure programs. 

Referral notices are given for serious concerns, repeated issues, or failure to meet remediation expectation.

Teacher Education

Shernavaz Vakil
Special Education Mentor

Dan Pyle
Secondary Mentor

Denise Wright
Academic Advisor

Hollie Knechtel
Clinical Experience Coordinator

DeeDee Mower
Department Chair


Natalie Williams

Sara Gailey

Angie Collinwood
Academic Advisor