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Green Buildings

As a leading innovator in sustainable building design, Weber State University is dedicated to buildings that promote learning while providing sustainable energy, water, and material resource options to save money and protect the environment.

What We've Done

  • The Lindquist Hall for social sciences is a LEED Gold rated building, with a massive geothermal heat exchange field and a new solar covered parking lot to provide energy and heating and cooling needs. It is about 80% more efficient than required by building codes.
  • Weber's North Stadium project was designed to help WSU meet our goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. LED lighting, efficient heating and cooling, and architectural and landscaping designs help save electricity and water.
  • In September 2020, Weber finished construction on a new Davis Campus Auto Tech and Computer Science building that uses no direct fossil fuels and will be completely powered by the 1.8 MegaWatt Davis Campus solar array. This building includes advanced electric vehicle charging infrastructure to better serve students in the growing automotive program. These EV charging stations are also available to all students and staff parking at the Davis Campus.

What You Can Do

  • Reduce water usage by xeriscaping or planting native plants in your yard. These options require much less water than traditional grass lawns and can save money on water and conserve this precious resource.
  • Open the blinds and shades on your windows to let the natural light from the sun into your home instead of turning lights on. This will save you money and will reduce electricity use!
  • Make sure doors and windows and especially attics are insulated well to prevent heat or cool lost to the outdoor temperature. See the renter's guide to energy savings for more tips and tricks.

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