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Nordic Education Experience


Program Details

Nordic countries, especially Finland, have world renown education systems. Students will compare and contrast Nordic and US education systems, an experience that will broaden their understanding of the various ways to approach education.

Selection Criteria:

  • Be 18 years of age or older.
  • Participants seeking academic credit for the program must be able to read the required text and participate in discussions.
  • Should be an Education major or have and interest in studying Nordic education systems.


  • Finland
  • Sweden
  • Estonia

Program Dates:

May 8, 2022 – May 20, 2022


$3,290 (Airfare NOT Included)

Suggested Payment Schedule:
Registration and $500 deposit due Jan 11, 2022
Feb. 11, 2022: $930
March 11, 2022: $930
April 11, 2022: $930

Must be paid in full by April 11, 2022.

Deposit: $500 will need to be paid when you hand in your application.

Payments can now be made online! Visit this website for instructions on how to pay your deposit online and future payments. Charges should show on your account within 24 hours after registration. As always, you can pay with a credit card as well. To keep our trip costs low, we encourage the use of ACH Bank Transfers, or payments by cash or check whenever possible.

Includes: room and board, international transportation, domestic transportation, excursions, and some meals.

Not included: airfare, passport, incidentals, excess baggage costs, any unscheduled travel, and most meals.


May 8 & 9 - Travel Day

  • Arrange own travel from the US to arrive in Helsinki by May 9.
  • Arrive in Helsinki & report to Hostel.
  • Welcome dinner on the 9th.

May 10-15: Finland

  • 10 - Education Tours, Market Square. Lunch provided. Accommodations in Helsinki.
  • 11 - Get to know Veikkola School. Dinner provided. Sleep with host families or Siuntio Hotel.
  • 12 - School immersion, after-school activities. All 3 meals provided. Sleep with host families or Siuntio Hotel.
  • 13 - Tour of schools & nature center. All 3 meals provided. Sleep at Petäys.
  • 14 - Outdoor activities & shopping. Breakfast provided. Sleep at Petäys.
  • 15 - Final Day in Finland. Travel Day. Breakfast & lunch provided. Sleep at Hostel.

May 16: Tallin, Estonia

  • Free time. Visit Estonian school. Lunch provided. Overnight ferry to Stockholm.

May 17-20: Stockholm (May re-arrange)

  • 17 - Visit Swedish school. Visit Drottningholm Palace, Court Theatre, Chinese Pavilion, Royal Palace, Stockholm City Hall, Gamla Stan, and Photography Museum. Breakfast provided. Sleep at Stockholm Hostel.
  • 18 - Tour many different attractions within walking distance such as: Skansen Open Air Museum, Skansen Aquarium, Nordic Museum, Viking Life Museum, Museum of Spirits (alcohol), Rosendal Palace, ABBA museum. Activities off museum island include: Hop On & Off Bus tour, panorama bus tour, Butterfly House, Haga Ocean Aquarium, and any other locations of interest. Breakfast provided. Sleep at Stockholm Hostel.
  • 19 - Final Day of Program. Visit Fryhuset Community School. Other activities TBA. Breakfast provided. Sleep at Stockholm Hostel (unless flying out on the 19th).
  • 20 - Departure day. Return to the USA. No meals or activities.

Academic Courses

Students may enroll in six (6) of the following credit hours:

  • EDUC 4920/MED 6920
  • EDUC 5920
  • OCRE 4800 & OCRE 4930

Program Directors

Penee Stewart: (MED)

Natalie Williams: (MED)

Cass Morgan: (OCRE)

Trip Cancellations

If Weber State cancels a trip for any reason, all participants will be refunded 100% of funds paid to the school. If a participant withdraws from the program for any reason, they are subject to the refund policy found on the first page of the application.  Deposits are always non-refundable, unless the program is canceled by Weber State.  No refunds will be issued 30 days prior to program start date. 

Refunds will NOT be given to students due to COVID-19 concerns. Before programs were canceled in 2020, every student was given the option to withdraw from programs without penalty due to COVID-19. This year students are applying, cognizant of the pandemic. Weber State will not intentionally place students into high risk situations. We will work together with Program Leaders and Departments on canceling should the destination demonstrate increased risks, be they from COVID or any other concern. As such, students must abide by the standard refund policy.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Study Abroad Office at (801) 626-8711.