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Thailand and Cambodia

Program Details

This course will teach you all the skills you will need to provide care for villagers in remote locations. The trip is a fast-paced, collaborative team effort, in amazing international locations that most people don’t get the opportunity to visit. Analyze patient needs and examine how culture affects healthcare, participate in safe healthcare delivery practices, and identify a healthcare process to be improved in the host community. Applicants from all healthcare professions are welcome, and so are family members if there is room.

Must apply with Study Abroad office, and with School of Nursing

Deadline: October 25, 2018


  • Maesot and Umphang, Thailand
  • Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Program Dates:

April 27, 2019 – May 12, 2019



Cost: $4,200

Deposit: $500

Pay deposit and all payments to the Hurst Center for Lifelong Learning in person or pay over the phone with a credit card at (801) 626-6600. Please, do not pay on campus, all payments need to be made at the Hurst Center.


5 days near Umphang Thailand providing health promotion/prevention activities for villagers that live within the boundaries of a wildlife preserve
2 days in Siem Reap Cambodia exploring ancient temples of Angkor Wat
5 days on the outskirts of Phnom Penh Cambodia teaching Neonatal Resuscitation and providing well child checks to rural villagers
4 credit hour hybrid course with 16 day trip immediately at the end of Spring Semester

Academic Courses

  • NSRG 4850 (4)

Program Directors

Julie Rhodes, Program Director,

Julie Gee, Trip Leader & Couse Instructor,

Tressa Quayle, Co-trip leader & Course Instructor

Janelle Gardiner, Respiratory Lead,

Kristine Bouwhuis, Team Leader,

Trip Cancellations

If the trip is canceled, all participants will be refunded. Any refunds for withdrawals from the program will be determined by the Study Abroad Director according to the recoverability of incurred costs and fees and according to the Continuing Education Policy. Once the group leaves all costs are non-refundable in their entirety. Dates & process may change. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of any such changes by staying in contact with the program director.

Any questions feel free to contact the Study Abroad Office at (801) 626-8155 or by calling the Continuing Education Office at (801) 626-6600.