Cuba remains one of the last places in the world with a revolutionary socialist ideology. The United States revels in the notion of individual sovereignty and free markets. This program will compare how two diverse ideologies and institutions work to solve a similar set of socio-economic problems including education, health care, homelessness, inequality, unemployment, economic opportunity, and societal well-being. It is said that economics address the questions of what should be produced, how it should be produced, and who should get what is produced. Experience the economic, cultural, and societal transformation of Cuba from colonial times to the present day. This program will consist of two courses, which will include lectures and discussions and will be supplemented by field trips and excursions to relevant sites.
Selection Criteria:
Participants must:
- Have completed Quant 2400 (or equivalent), Quant 3610, Econ 2010, 2020 with a C- or better, and departmental permission.
- Be 18 years of age or older.
- Be a high school graduate or above.
- Read, speak, and understand English.
- Provide documentation of sufficiently good enough health to travel and participate in a two-week study program.
- Cuba
Program Dates:
May 14, 2018 – May 30, 2018