I. Introduction
Weber State University implements processes for the determination, assessment, and collection of student fees consistent with the authority and decisions for the Board of Regents and the Board of Trustees. This process provides a financial base for opportunities to meet student needs and interests that would not be possible through state general fund support alone.
This basic document defines the purpose, general policies, composition, and accountability of the Student Fee Recommendation Committee (SFRC.)
II. Purpose and Definition
Student fees are monies collected, according to a rate schedule approved by the Board of Regents, from students to support designated kinds of student-oriented activities which, by state or university policy, can be financed only partially, if at all, from state appropriations, tuition, or other available University funds. The purpose of the committee is to make recommendations to appropriate university authorities about the level and distribution of student fees. In making its recommendations, the SFRC’s ultimate standard is the welfare of the university and particularly the welfare of the student body. Since its special area of responsibility is fiscal, the committee has the obligation to develop and maintain policies and procedures, assuring a responsible level of management and review of student fee funds.
III. General Functions of the Committee
- The President’s Council will provide a projected amount for student fee generated income for the upcoming academic year. The committee will use this figure as the basis for changes in allocations.
- Every effort shall be made to allocate base funds for each department/ organization/service requesting fee dollars based on the allocations of the past three to five years, as well as to allocate mandated increases (such as compensation) authorized by the legislature and/or university. Departments/ organizations/services requesting additional funding will be asked to come before the committee to explain their request, provide evidence of need, and respond to the committee’s questions and concerns.
- Every effort shall be made to reduce the time involvement of each member of the SFRC. It is important that student members of the Committee, who form the majority, not lose valuable time that they would normally devote to their academic work.
IV. Authority for Approval of Fee Committee Allocations
The committee shall make its recommendations to the President’s Council for approval, after which the budget shall be presented to Student Senate for information. As a reminder, the Committee is a recommending body.
V. Governance
A. Membership
The membership of the Student Fee Recommendation Committee is as follows:
Three WSUSA Representatives: the WSUSA President, the Legislative Vice President, and one additional Executive Officer or Senator selected by the WSUSA President.
Two student senators who are selected by the Student Senate from applicants for these positions.
Five Students-at-Large selected by the Student Fee Recommendation Selection Committee from applicants for these positions. The Selection Committee consists of the President of WSUSA, one Executive Officer selected by the WSUSA President, the Vice President for Student Access & Success or her/his designee, and one of the faculty representatives if available. A student is defined as an individual enrolled at Weber State University for the applicable academic period.
Two full-time faculty members appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Senate in consultation with the Vice President for Student Access & Success.
Once the above SFRC appointments have been made, the SFRC will be presented as an information item to the WSUSA Senate.
The Committee shall be co-chaired by the WSUSA President and the Vice President for Student Access & Success or his/her designee, without vote. The WSUSA President shall only vote when the SFRC committee is equally divided.
One designee from the Vice President for Student Access & Success office will be an ex-officio member of the committee.
Student vacancies will be filled using recommendations from the Committee, which are forwarded to the WSUSA Student Senate for approval.
B. Responsibilities and Duties of Members
The responsibilities and duties of all members of the Committee shall be as follows:
- Attend all training and committee meetings
- Serve as liaison for your assigned area(s).
- Meet with the representative from your assigned area at minimum of two times as follows:
- The first visit is to become familiar with the mission/purpose of the department/organization/service and how it functions and to learn about the budget and how student fees are utilized.
- The second visit is help the department/organization/service representative prepare a report to the committee, as outlined below.
- A brief overview of the unit’s mission/purpose and how it fits with the Student Fee Philosophy (PPM 6-8)
- A summary of the amount the unit received from student fees for the current fiscal year and an explanation of how the funds and any possible increases were/will be used.
- A description of any increases the unit is requesting from student fees for the next fiscal year and a justification for the request (compensation, staffing, programming, equipment, etc.) This should be the primary focus of the presentation.
- A brief explanation for any carry-forwards and how they will be used in the future.
C. Responsibilities and Duties of Co-Chairs
The co-chairs shall be responsible for scheduling committee meetings, preparing the agenda, handling all routine correspondence, keeping the committee informed of pertinent information regarding fee-recipient areas, assuring that all requests receive proper consideration, appointing subcommittees as needed, and carrying out other duties as assigned by the committee.
D. General Conduct and Reporting of Committee Meetings
- Open Meetings
- All meetings of the committee, with the exception of training sessions, shall be open to the public.
- Notice of all the open meetings shall be made at least 24 hours in advance to all of the committee members, both voting and non-voting and to the general public.
- Open Records
- All actions of the committee shall be a matter of public record. The co-chairs shall be responsible for assuring that copies of minutes of meetings as approved by the Committee and other documents presented to the committee are sent to committee members.
- All records of the Student Fee Recommendation Committee shall become public documents and be available through the Vice President for Student Access & Success.
- Conduct of Business
- If consensus is not possible, a simple majority of voting members, with a quorum present, is necessary to approve any decision made by the Committee
- A quorum shall consist of 2/3 of all voting members.
- Meetings shall be called by either chair or by a majority of voting members.
- Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest may occur whenever a vote by a committee member has the potential to be self-serving to him/herself or to an organization in which the committee member has special interest outside of a typical user of the organizations. Committee members should declare a conflict of interest before voting. If a committee member does not refrain from voting in the event of a potential conflict of interest, the committee, upon 2/3 vote of the voting members present, may require the committee member abstain from voting.
- Non-Attendance
If a voting member misses two consecutive meetings, the co-chairs will introduce the matter for committee discussion in a legally closed meeting. Upon recommendation by a 2/3 vote of the committee, the members may be removed.
- No committee decisions shall be made outside of the formal Student Fee Recommendation Committee meetings (i.e. no telephone votes).
VI. Fiscal Responsibilities of the Committee.
- Requests for student fees must demonstrate a relationship to the philosophy and criteria listed in the PPM - Student Fee Allocation Philosophy and Criteria.
- All budget requests must be itemized by program area.
- Student involvement and representation in the student fee determination and recommendation process is appropriate and necessary. Student representation is provided in the structure used for the allocation of student fees. Likewise, areas funded by student fees are encouraged to include students in the budget development process for that area.
- Program areas funded by student fees must be designed primarily for the currently enrolled student and made available to all members of the student body. It is not expected that these program areas will serve the majority of students with each and every program, but will provide a variety of programs attempting to meet the needs of as many individuals as possible.
VII. General Procedures
- Fee requests must be submitted by e-mail to the Office of the Vice President for Student Access & Success by the due dates specified. The co-chairs shall in turn assure that committee members have copies at least three days prior to a meeting.
- In no case shall the committee consider a new allocation without prior recommendation by the appropriate governing body for review and possible funding from other resources.
- The committee shall require all fee-recipient areas seeking to have fee support continued to submit budget requests in accordance with established timelines and published to all fee-recipient areas in advance of the first open meeting. These budget requests shall include all information specified in writing by the SFRC. The committee can request additional information info from fee-recipient areas as needed.
VIII. Review of Operating Budget Management of Fee-Recipient Areas
To assure responsible use of funds it allocates to fee-recipient areas, the committee may, from time to time, require appropriate financial reports from one or more areas in a form prescribed by the committee. The request to the area must be made in writing and delivered in time to allow the areas at least two weeks to prepare and submit the report. The report shall be reviewed by the committee at least one week prior to the meeting at which the head of the area may be requested to appear for a hearing on the report.
Consistent with university internal fiscal policy, the committee may request the University Accounting Office to restrict spending of any fee-recipient area when it is in violation of university policy.
Expenditures of carry-forwards in excess of the lesser of $10,000 or 10% of the current year allocation will require approval of the Student Fee Recommendation Committee subcommittee.
XI. Guidelines for Major Capital Expenditures
As outlined in PPM 6-8, the Student Fee Recommendation Committee (SFRC) makes recommendations about the level and distribution of student fees. During the annual SFRC spring process, the committee allocates a designated amount of student fee revenue, the amount of which is based on a percentage increase over the prior year. This allocation goes to support student services and activities and other programs which benefit students.
On occasion, SFRC will also approve capital construction and major renovation projects. These requests will be reviewed during the regular SFRC spring allocation process. Before approving requests from the Capital Reserve Fund, SFRC will solicit input from Student Senate for capital requests over $150,000.
SFRC may also allocate, in consultation with administration, one-time funds from a dedicated Capital Reserve Fund. This fund is intended for major capital expenditures, facilities, and equipment. Surpluses in student fees will go into the Capital Reserve Fund and accumulate for potential allocations by SFRC.
Learn More About Student Fee Philosophy PPM 6-8