Social Media Accessibility

When creating messages for social media, it is important to make sure those messages are accessible to everyone. Allow more followers to engage with your social media content by ensuring your messages are easy for everyone to understand, especially users with disabilities. 

Accessibility Tips

  • Avoid complex and/or uncommon acronyms, using plain language instead. This is helpful for those who use screen readers.
    Example: “Engineering, Applied Science and Technology (EAST)” or “Center For Community Engaged Learning (CCEL).”

  • Use camel-case in hashtags. Capitalizing the first letters of each word in hashtags makes it easier for screen readers and others to pronounce individual words in a given hashtag.
    Example: Use #WeAreWeber instead of #weareweber

  • Use descriptive text when posting hyperlinks, and avoid instructions such as “click here” or “read more.” Make hyperlinks obvious so that readers know they have encountered hyperlinked text or images. Allow Facebook to populate link previews when inserting URLs into posts. 

  • All video content should be captioned. Some social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube have auto-caption tools, but they should be reviewed and edited to ensure content accuracy. Professional captioning services are also available through Weber State Disability Services