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School of Business & Economics

Business & Economics

The Goddard School of Business & Economics offers the following academic programs:.

Please click on the subjects below for information on how credit/no credit will be handled for students taking classes in semesters during campus interruptions due to COVID-19.

Credit/No-Credit and Special Credit Definitions:

  • CR/NC is WSU's version of Pass/Fail.
  • Grades of C- or higher will result in CR (Credit).
  • Grades of D+ and below will result in NC (No-Credit).
  • Departments have the option to accept Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 courses with CR/NC grading for program requirements. Accepted grading options include CR (Credit, meaning C- or better) and SC (Special Credit, meaning C or better).
  • Some programs or degrees may require a higher grade than C in order for SC (Special Credit) to fulfill program requirements.