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Pre-Pharmacy Course Plan

Step One: Knowing where you place in Mathematics and Chemistry.

  • Your Math placement is determined by your ACT, ALEKS Math PPL and/or AP scores. Concurrent Enrollment coursework in Math can also determine where you place in Math. Find more information on our Math & English Placement website.

  • Students start with CHEM 1200. Students may place out of CHEM 1200, the required prerequisite for CHEM 1210/1215, if one of the below has been met. Contact the Department of Chemistry for an override of CHEM 1200 if you meet any of the following:

    • AP Chemistry score of 4 or better. Students recieve credit for CHEM 1210, however the lab course, CHEM 1215, is still required.

    • AP Chemistry score of 3 or better. 

    • Completed chemistry in high school, CHEM 1010, or CHEM 1110 and placed at MATH 1050 or better.

Step Two: Determine semester course load.

Step Three: Meet with your advisor.

  • Advisors will help you understand and know what courses are required for both your pre-pharmacy program, degree program, and general education. These advisors can also help you in choosing the appropriate courses to take together. 

Step Four: Do your research.

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Office hours

Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Mailing address

Weber State University
College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2501
Ogden, UT 84408-2505

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)

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