Smoke Free Zones

No. 5-48    Rev.       Date 5-7-13       



3-33            Discipline

6-22            Student Code

Section 9   Academic Freedom, Rights, Responsibilities and Due Process


This policy is to establish smoke free zones and to govern the use of tobacco products in those zones, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or any other form of lighted tobacco product. This policy also extends to ecigarettes and other electronic tobacco delivery devices.


 A.  Smoking of tobacco products or the use of electronic tobacco delivery devices is prohibited in the core campus area, as defined below, in order to protect public health. Smoking is prohibited in the core campus area, including the 25 foot zone surrounding buildings included in the Clean Air Act, in the corridor stretching from west of the Miller Administration Building to the east edge of the plaza between the Stewart Library and Tracy Hall (formerly Buildings 3 & 4). Smoking is also prohibited from the area south of Elizabeth Hall and south of Tracy Hall (formerly Buildings 3 & 4) through the corridor between the Shepherd Union, Stewart Library and Lampros Hall to the Browning Center. Smoking is also prohibited from the south side of the Shepherd Union to the West Entrance of the Browning Center. Smoking is also prohibited across campus inside of the 25 foot zone surrounding all campus buildings. See Map


 A. Through education and signage the university hopes to achieve self-compliance. The use of environmental ambassadors would be the second level of enforcement. Reporting violations of the policy to Deans and supervisors would be the preferred third level of enforcement. Persons who continue to violate this policy may be ordered by the university police to comply or be ordered to leave. Failure to leave when ordered is a class C misdemeanor 76-8-704.


AViolation of this policy may result in disciplinary action. Any individual who violates this policy may be asked to leave the campus or University activity, and/or may be escorted from the campus or University activity. Any sanction recommended, pursuant to this policy, will be made to the appropriate body for handling disciplinary actions against the individual accused of violating this policy. Students, faculty and staff will have due process rights as outlined in PPMs 3-33, Discipline (Staff Employees), 6-22, Student Code, and Section 9, Academic Freedom, Rights, Responsibilities and Due Process, as applicable.