PPM 5-40, Building Space Allocation and Assignment
Responsible Office: Vice President for Administrative Services |
This policy describes the manner in which University space will be allocated and how classrooms and teaching laboratories will be utilized. This policy is intended to comply with Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R751. Use of authorized space by outside entities, for events, or for expressive activities are governed by other policies.
2.1 PPM 5-37, Minors
2.2 PPM 5-38, Use of Facilities for Events
2.3 Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R751
3.1 University Space Planning Committee (“USPC”) - The University committee designated to make recommendations regarding allocation of University spaces.
3.2 University Centralized Academic Scheduling Committee (“UCASC”) - The University committee designated to oversee the centralized academic assignment and scheduling of classrooms and laboratories.
4.1 Efficient and Effective Use of Space
4.1.1 The University shall ensure that all capital assets are used effectively and efficiently. The University shall take steps to maximize the use of space in existing buildings through long-term strategic planning and routine use of utilization information. Buildings are the property of the state and are used to achieve the mission of the University.
4.1.2 Allocation and assignment of building space is determined by the President with input from committees described in this policy. Departments, colleges, and other administrative units do not have proprietary, exclusive, or preemptive rights to control or occupy space, but may be accorded priority scheduling by the appropriate committee, as outlined herein, if warranted. Committee recommendations to deviate from the restriction on proprietary use of space should be rare, and in those cases, in addition to the steps described herein, documentation should be kept by the provost.
4.2 Building Space Allocation
4.2.1 University Space Planning Committee The USPC makes recommendations to the President for space allocations and assignments through the Vice President for Administrative Services after the committee obtains applicable information from campus entities that is consistent with this policy. USPC will also recommend standard hours of operation. USPC is responsible for compliance with and reporting obligations required by Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R751. The USPC members are appointed annually by the President. Terms of service will begin September 1 and conclude August 31. Members should be appointed to provide for representation from different viewpoints, expertise, and continuity to the membership. Membership shall include, at a minimum, the following individuals:
- Associate Vice President for Facilities and Campus Planning
- One member of the UCASC
- Director of Campus Planning and Construction
- Institutional Research representative
- At large representative
4.2.2 Changes in Categorical Usage Deans, program administrators, the UCASC, and others who have been allocated responsibility for space assignment in their respective areas shall notify the appropriate supervising vice president/division administrator when the currently assigned space is changing in usage categorically. (For example, a classroom is converted to a computer lab.) The vice president/division administrator shall notify the USPC and the committee will change the appropriate institutional records.
4.2.3 Changes in Space Availability Deans, program administrators, the UCASC, and other individuals who have been allocated responsibility for space assignments shall notify the appropriate supervising vice president/division administrator when space within their area of responsibility becomes available for reallocation for other uses. The vice president/division administrator shall notify the USPC that the space is available for reallocation. The USPC will notify all campus entities that the space will be reallocated. Interested campus entities will submit a written request to the USPC with a copy to the supervising vice president/division administrator. The request will contain information including proposed use, personnel to be housed, renovations required, funding availability, impact if the space is not received, and other pertinent data. The supervising vice president/division administrator shall submit a recommendation to the committee regarding the departmental request. The USPC will review the requests and, if needed, hold discussions with the requestors. The USPC will submit a written recommendation to the Vice President for Administrative Services and notify the requestors of its recommendation. The Vice President for Administrative Services will present the recommendation to the President, who will make decisions about final approval.
4.3 Assignment of Academic Areas. Spaces that have been allocated for academic use under the process described in section 4.2 by USPC may be further assigned for use as outlined below.
4.3.1 Assignment of Faculty Offices. Offices for faculty are assigned by the provost who works with deans and department chairs. Offices for other personnel are assigned by the Vice President for Administrative Services.
4.3.2 Assignment of Classrooms and Teaching Laboratories The UCASC will oversee centralized scheduling of classrooms and teaching laboratories, consistent with Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R751. The committee functions under the authority of the President and will report activities and compliance no less than annually. The UCASC is responsible for maintaining a scheduling system and calendar, alignment of institutional scheduling, and tracking all utilization of classrooms and teaching laboratories. The UCASC is appointed by the President and will include, at a minimum, representatives from the following areas:
- Office of the Registrar
- Shepherd Union Building Scheduling Office
- Division of Online and Continuing Education
- Davis Campus representative
- Classroom Technology Services
- Student Affairs Technology
- Facilities Management
- One member of the USPC
4.3.3 Alternative Spaces for Instruction. Academic instruction and related educational activities will take place on the campus of the University with the exception of classes held virtually and individual field trips, approved in accordance with PPM 4-10. Academic instruction or related educational activities shall not be taught with students attending in a private residence or similar location. All other academic instruction or related educational activities proposed to occur off-campus must be approved by the appropriate dean and the University risk manager. Individuals may be required to complete forms or waivers of liability in order to conduct or attend such activities. In addition, approval must be granted by the UCASC if the request is for an entire course offering to be held off-campus. Use of space that will involve minors must adhere to PPM 5-37, Minors, to the extent applicable.
Revision History
Creation Date: 2-2-23