Driver License Requirements

No. 5-31 Rev. 03-19-19 Date 12-1-94




A. Valid Driver License

1. Any employee, agent, or volunteer of Weber State University must possess and maintain a valid driver license to operate a University vehicle, or operate a personal vehicle while performing University business.

2. If a job description specifies that an employee must drive a vehicle, the employee must, at the time of employment, provide Human Resources with a valid driver license appropriate to the particular driving needs of the job.

3. Each administrator/supervisor must annually submit a list to the University Police verifying that all drivers under their direction or supervision who operate University vehicles, or their personal vehicles while on University business, possess valid appropriate driver licenses.

4. Employees who are required to operate vehicles, University or personal, while on University business, must do so within the limits or restrictions of their individual licenses.

B. Accident Involvement

   1. Any employee, agent, or volunteer involved in an accident while driving a University vehicle, or driving a personal vehicle       on University business, shall provide full and complete notice of the accident to his/her supervisor and to the campus Risk         Management Director immediately after the accident.

   2. Any employee, agent, or volunteer involved in an accident while on University business shall not voluntarily make any           payment, assume any obligation or incur any expense on behalf of the University.

   3. Any employee, agent, or volunteer who is involved in an accident wherein the employee is at fault (in whole or in part), or       who is convicted of Driving Under the Influence of alcohol or drugs, or of Reckless Driving, shall not be allowed to operate           any University vehicle, nor perform University business using a personal vehicle, for up to thirty days following the date of         the accident or conviction. During that period a State Risk Management Fund approved Driver Education Program must be         completed by that employee.

C. Driver Certification

  1. Administrators/supervisors must verify that all drivers under their direction or supervision who operate vehicles,                    University or personal, while on University business, possess valid and appropriate driver licenses. If there is a question              concerning an employee's driver license status, University Police should be contacted for verification of the status.

  2. Any employee, agent, or volunteer who drives either a personal vehicle or a University vehicle as part of his/her duties, or      while on University business, must complete the State Risk Management Fund approved Driver Certification at the time of        initial employment and at an interval outlined in the Utah Administrative Code (Rule R37-1).