Alcoholic Beverage Policy (All Employees)

No. 3-30b Rev. 03-18-14 Date 12-14-89



  • PPM 3-30, Personal Conduct
  • PPM 3-33, Discipline
  • PPM 9 (all), Academic Freedom, Rights, Responsibilities and Due Process
  • PPM 5-25d, Restricted Purchases and Special Procurements
  • PPM 5-33, Motor Pool Vehicle Use
  • PPM 6-10, Student Alcohol and Drugs
  • PPM 4-10, Field Trips
  • Motor Vehicle Code, Utah Code Ann. Section 41-6a-526 (Unlawful Transportation of Alcoholic Beverages)
  • Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, Utah Code Ann. Section 32B-4-602 (Unlawful Transportation of Alcoholic Beverages)


A. Alcoholic Beverages

Beverages intended for human consumption which contain alcohol. This includes, but is not limited to, liquors, wines, beer, and alcoholic "coolers."

B. University-Sponsored Activity

Any event, activity, or endeavor which has the official sanction of Weber State University. Any activity on or off campus initiated, aided, authorized or supervised by Weber State University administrative entities or organizations.

C. Employee

Any person in a salaried, hourly, adjunct, clinical or other position defined in
PPM 3-2 or
D. Unauthorized
Not approved for the specific University-sponsored event by a University administrator at the dean or equivalent level or prohibited by state or federal law.


Weber State University prohibits the possession, distribution, sale, manufacture or consumption of alcoholic beverages on the University campus except:

1) for use in laboratories and classrooms, for purposes of instruction, research or training, subject to the approval of the Provost and in accordance with written rules, approved by the Provost, governing use of alcohol for academic purposes; or

2) as authorized by the appropriate Vice President and in accordance with written rules approved by President's Council.

These authorized exceptions must comply with all applicable law and all other policies, including PPM 5-25d.  Furthermore, Weber State University prohibits the unauthorized possession, distribution, sale, manufacture or consumption of alcoholic beverages at any off-campus, University-sponsored activity.


The institution may impose sanctions on employees who violate this policy as outlined in PPM 3-33, Discipline; PPM Section 9, Academic Freedom, Rights, Responsibilities and Due Process; and PPM 6-10, Student Alcohol and Drugs.


While Weber State University intends to enforce this alcohol policy, the University will not punish or otherwise take negative actions toward an employee on the basis of the individual's alcohol dependency status per se. Weber State University encourages its employees to report alcohol dependency. After such voluntary reporting, the University will make a good faith effort to assist the individual to overcome his/her dependency at his/her own expense.

The University will reasonably accommodate employees who are attempting to treat their alcohol dependency but reserves the right to maintain acceptable job standards and behavior of all employees regardless of their dependency status.