PPM 1-14, The Faculty and Faculty Senate Role in University Planning |
Responsible Office: President's Office |
This policy delineates the role of the faculty and the Faculty Senate in the University planning process.
2.1 PPM 1-9, Administrative Bodies
2.2 PPM 1-14A, Program Discontinuance Review Procedure
3.1 Overview
The following is recognized:
3.3.1 University planning is integral to sound, University-wide decision-making.
3.3.2 University planning must take into account the role and mission of the institution.
3.2 The Roles of the Faculty and the Faculty Senate
3.2.1 The Faculty Senate, the Executive Committee and other appropriate committees are to be informed whenever any strategic planning or reorganization is initiated and are to be kept apprised of developments at each step.
3.2.2 The faculty shall be represented on the University Planning Council of the University by the chair and vice chair of the Faculty Senate and by one faculty member elected from each college and the Library of the University. In the spring of each year, in a meeting called by the dean, the faculties of each college and the Library shall elect one person from their respective organizational unit to serve on the University Planning Council. Election of this representative should be guided in part by the following criteria: (1) nominees should enjoy the respect and confidence of the faculty, and (2) they should be able to conceptualize and maintain a broad vision of the University. Newly elected faculty shall assume responsibility on July 1 of each year. They will represent the faculty in recommending what is best for the total University program.
3.2.3 If, as a result of a University planning process, recommendations are made which will adversely or critically affect academic programs/units, the affected programs shall undergo a program review as described in PPM 1-15, before the final decision is made to include these recommendations in the strategic plan.