PPM 9-8, Faculty Responsibilities to the Community

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs


This policy describes certain faculty responsibilities to the community. 


2.1 American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Statement of Professional Ethics (1966) 
2.2 PPM Section 9, Academic Freedom, Right, Responsibilities, and Due Process of Policy and Procedures Manual
2.3 PPM 10-2, Acceptable Use Policy
2.4 Utah Code Ann. § 20A-11-1201 et. seq.


3.1 Ethical Canons

As members of the community, faculty have the rights and obligations of any citizen. Faculty measure the urgency of these obligations in the light of their responsibilities to their subjects, to their students, to their professions and to their institutions. When faculty speak or act as private people, they avoid creating the impression that they speak or act for the college or University. As citizens engaged in a profession that depends upon freedom for its health and integrity, faculty have particular obligations to promote conditions of free inquiry and to further public understanding of academic freedom (based on the AAUP Statement of Professional Ethics, 1966).

3.2 Standards of Behavior

3.2.1 Faculty members have the responsibility to determine the amount and character of the work they do outside the institution with due regard for their paramount responsibilities within it.  The primary criteria here shall be how such outside work affects their teaching and other professional responsibilities, as well as, its impact on maintaining professional competence.

3.2.2 Faculty members share the general duties and rights of citizenship. This includes the duty to obey laws of the state and the nation. Faculty members who violate state or federal law(s) may expect no immunity or special protection by right of their faculty status. As with other citizens, breaches of legal duty by faculty members are matters for disposition by the civil legal and/or criminal justice systems. Because the University community has no special expertise in legal matters and because University action could complicate and hamper action by the courts and civil authorities, the University will not commence disciplinary proceedings for violations of law not directly related to the University. The University reserves the right to bring proceedings against faculty members who are convicted of, found to be liable for or have voluntarily agreed to pay damages for unlawful conduct which also constitutes a violation of the standards of behavior listed in this section 9 of PPM, where the violation of the standard raises a substantial question of faculty members' ability, willingness or professional fitness to perform their duties to the University.

3.2.3 Faculty members, whatever else they may be, are also citizens. They do not allow their commitment to subject, students, University and profession to prevent the performance of their normal duties of citizenship.

3.2.4 Faculty members have the same rights and obligations as all citizens, when acting outside the scope of employment, consistent with constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, and subject to University rules governing disruptive conduct (e.g. PPM 9-7). They are as free as other citizens to express their views and to participate in the political processes of the community (see also PPM 10-2 and Utah Code Ann. § 20-A-11-1201 et. seq.). When they act or speak in a personal or private capacity they must avoid deliberately creating the impression that they officially represent the University, unless authorized to do so.

Revision History

Creation Date: 3-7-74

Amended: 12-1-87; 5-16-23