PPM 9-7, Faculty Responsibilities to the Institution

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs


This policy describes certain faculty responsibilities to the institution.


2.1 American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Statement of Professional Ethics (1966) 
2.2 PPM 3-32, Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
2.3 PPM 3-67, Violence Prevention
2.4 PPM 9-1, Academic Freedom/General Principles
2.5 PPM 10-2, Acceptable Use Policy
2.6 Utah Code Ann. § 76-8-402


3.1. Ethical Canons

As members of the institution, faculty seek above all to be effective teachers and scholars. Although they observe the stated regulations of the institution, provided these regulations do not contravene academic freedom, faculty maintain their rights to criticize and seek revision. They determine the amount and character of the work outside the institution with due regard to their paramount responsibilities within it. When considering the interruption or termination of their services, faculty recognize the effect of their decisions on programs of the institution and give due notice of their intentions (based on the AAUP Statement of Professional Ethics, 1966).

3.2 Standards of Behavior

3.2.1  Faculty members have the responsibility to determine the amount and character of the work they do outside the institution with due regard for their paramount responsibilities within it. The primary criteria here shall be how such outside work affects their teaching and other professional responsibilities, as well as its impact on maintaining professional competence.

3.2.2  Faculty members comply with all University rules and regulations specifying their obligations as faculty members and as members of the University community in general. However, faculty members maintain their right to criticize regulations and seek their revision. They are required to observe the stated regulations of the institution provided those regulations do not contravene academic freedom as set forth in PPM 9-1, Academic Freedom/General Principles.

3.2.3 Faculty members are careful that all institution property trusted to their care is used properly and lawfully. They do not use University property or facilities if the use of such property has no legitimate relationship to the faculty member's academic service (see also PPM 10-2 and Utah Code Ann. § 76-8-402). For purposes of this policy, professional activities which serve to maintain or improve academic skills have a legitimate relationship to the faculty member's academic service.

3.2.4 Faculty members avoid creating the impression, in public appearances or statements, that they are officially representing the University, unless they are authorized to do so.

3.2.5 Faculty members do not intentionally destroy University property, purposely disrupt University programs or functions, or purposely interfere with the legitimate on-campus, off-campus, or virtual activities of the University, consistent with constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. Nor shall a faculty member purposely or unlawfully incite* others to engage in such destruction, disruption or interference.

*Note: Mere advocacy or expression engaged in outside the scope of University employment shall not be considered incitement unless the advocacy or expression poses a clear and present danger of the imminent occurrence of such destruction, or causes significant disruption or interference constituting a violation of PPM 3-32 or PPM 3-67, or is otherwise not constitutionally protected.

3.2.6 Faculty members are truthful in all assertions relevant to their qualifications as faculty members or their eligibility for institutional benefits.


Revision History

Creation Date: 3-7-74

Amended: 12-1-87; 5-16-23