PPM 9-15, Reports and Records

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

1.0    PURPOSE

The purpose of the policy is to control the access and disposition of the records described below. This policy does not apply where a law, rule, or agreement otherwise restricts access to the records or requires a different disposition of the records than as described in this policy.

2.0    POLICY

2.1    Any faculty member shall have the right to examine any University record that is retrievable in the faculty member's name. Retention and disposition of records shall be handled in accordance with applicable law and records retention schedules. Records created in association with an informal conciliatory process shall be retained by the responsible administrator, who will transmit those to University Legal Counsel. 

2.2    Accurate and complete records will be maintained by the chair of the Faculty Board of Review for all formal hearings. With the exception of the respondent's or complainant’s copy, all records pertaining to the formal hearing, including those generated in the process of a preliminary investigation and/or conciliatory process, will be securely stored by University Legal Counsel. They may be made available for review by authorized individuals only through and on the decision of the president and the chair of the current Faculty Review Board, in consultation with University Legal Counsel, and then only after duly notifying the respondent as to the purpose for such release. The respondent shall have the right, with a representative, to offer arguments as to why such release should not take place.

2.3    When faculty members resign or are terminated with their consent while proceedings are pending under the procedure of due process, the chair of the Faculty Board of Review shall provide a copy of the charges and any records of meetings to the president. The respondent shall also be notified by the chair of the respondent's right to make a written statement to be included in the file of records.

2.4    The records of formal hearings shall be retained and disposed of as required under applicable records retention schedule. 

Revision History

Creation Date: 3-7-74

Amended: 12-7-87; 5-22-24