Capital Facilities Community Impact

No. 7-11 Rev. 08-11-09 Date 5-10-90


This policy is established pursuant to Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R471 and establishes a process for planning and construction of capital facilities which minimizes adverse impact on local neighborhoods and communities in a manner consistent with the attainment of the institution's legitimate mission and goals.


A.  Weber State University is not subject to the planning and zoning authority of municipalities or other local government units in which it is located (Utah Code 10-9-29), but as an institution of the state, it is subject to control and direction by its governing boards, the State Division of Facilities Construction and Management, the State Building Board, and the State Legislature.  However, it is the policy of the institution to address at an early stage in its capital facilities planning and construction activities those pertinent factors which would ordinarily be considered in municipal planning and zoning processes.

B.  When planning and constructing capital facilities on any campus of Weber State University, the institution shall seek to minimize any adverse impact on adjacent neighborhoods and/or the community in a manner consistent with the attainment of the institution's missions and goals.

C.  The University may consult with city, county and state authorities about proposed or impending capital facilities construction projects when changes to traffic volume and patterns, health and safety, noise, parking, land use, impact on utilities systems and other municipal service and similar matters may substantially affect a City or the off-campus residential/business community.   The university administration shall meet as necessary with appropriate municipal authorities to share campus facilities master plans and other pertinent data.

D.  To promote meaningful participation with off-campus residents, businesses and other organizations likely to be affected by proposed additions or changes to capital facilities and operations, the university administration will sponsor periodic public master plan reviews for the purpose of presenting current and proposed campus facilities master plans.  These meetings will be held not less than once per calendar year.  Comments and recommendations received from residents, businesses, municipal officials, and others who participate in the meeting(s) will be evaluated and considered in the planning and construction of capital facilities.

E.  Regularly the university administration shall present for approval of the Board of Regents its campus facilities master plan and proposed construction projects.  The Regents review normally takes place during public meetings of the Board held on the campus.  A report on the community review meeting(s) will accompany the master plan presentation.

F.  The University will proceed with capital facilities projects and will implement changes to its operation and programs only as directed by its governing boards.