Registration Dates and Deadlines: Appointments, Add, Cancel, and Withdrawal

No. 6-3 Rev. 02-14-2019 Date: 4-20-77







Weber State University is committed to an orderly registration process.  Course offerings are provided in accordance with our Catalog and Class Scheduling policies and procedures.  While students hold the primary responsibility to manage their registration, the university is committed to assist as needed.

Students must be eligible to enroll based on their admission or continuing student status.  The university maintains the right to restrict registration and remove a student from a course(s) based on non-compliance with university policy.  The oversight of registration restrictions and/or course removal is handled by the Registrar's Office if a hold has been placed on the student's record or when subject to an academic suspension status (PPM 4-17).  Once eligible to enroll for a given semester or block, students will be able to add courses beginning on their registration appointment date.  Registration deadlines are scheduled based on a business day model.


Students may begin registering for open courses on their designated appointment day.  They may continue adding open courses until the 5th business day of the semester.  Beginning on the 6th business day, students must obtain approval from departments and individual instructors to add courses.  Individual departmental procedures governing instructor discretion in this regard may vary.


A. The Weber State University registration schedule is based on cumulative credit hour totals.  Dependent on the student information system and technical load capacity, advising appointment capacity, etc., the university may spread each access over a few days based on number of credit hours.

1. First registration access: Seniors and Graduate students (90 credit hours)

2. Second registration access: Juniors (60-89 credit hours)

3. Third registration access: Sophomores (30-59 credit hours)

4. Fourth registration access: Freshmen (1-29 credit hours)

5. Fifth registration access: Open registration

Note:  Students registered with the Students with Disabilities Office, Early College students, Veterans of the United States armed forces, and Continuing freshmen, sophomore, and junior student athletes, defined as those participating in varsity NCAA athletics, may be allowed to register with seniors and graduate students.

B.  Permissible Class Load - Without special permission, students may register for a maximum of 20 credit hours per semester.

1.  Petitions to Exceed Permissible Class Loads.  Students who have attained sophomore standing (30 or more semester credit hours) may petition to exceed the permissible class loads defined above, provided they meet the following GPA requirements.  Petition forms are available at the Registrar's Office windows.

2.  Students requesting 21-24 credits, must have a 3.5 or higher GPA and approval from the Chair of the student's major department and Dean of the student's college.

3.  Students requesting more than 24 credits, must have a 3.75 or higher GPA, approval from the Chair of the student's major department and Dean of the student's college, and Associate Provost.

4.  Students who have not declared a major must obtain approval from the Director of Academic Advisement and the Associate Provost in lieu of the department chair and the college dean, respectively.


Without special permission, students may cancel their registration for individual courses from the first day of school until the 15th business day of a semester or block.  No entry will appear on the student's transcript.  Note: courses dropped before the semester or block begins are also deleted from the student's record.

Refund of tuition and fees will be based on the refund policy of the institution.


Without special permission, students may withdraw from an individual course from the 16th business day of a semester or block through the 50th business day of a semester or 30th business day of a block.  A "W" grade will appear on the transcripts of students who withdraw from individual courses.  Students may not withdraw from individual courses during the remaining semester or block.

A.  Students who stop attending or engaging in academically related activity in a class, who have not already sufficiently completed course work to pass the class in accordance with criteria established for the course, and who have not officially withdrawn from the course will receive a "UW" (Unofficial Withdrawal) for that class. If attendance is not required to be taken in a class, the student's unofficial withdrawal date shall be the last date the student engaged in an academically related activity.  Academically related activities are any of the following activities that are capable of being reasonably documented by the faculty member: attending class, participating in an online academic discussion, turning in assignments, taking a quiz or test, contacting a faculty member with an academic question, participating in an assigned study group, engaging in an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction.  The University must determine the unofficial withdrawal date no later than 30 days after the end of the semester.

B.  Refund of tuition and fees will be based on the refund policy of the institution.


Students may withdraw completely from all courses for which they have registered through the 50th business day of the semester or 30th day of a block.  Thereafter, students may appeal in cases of compelling, non-academic emergencies by following the process for student grievances provided for under PPM 6-22, Student Code.

A.  After the cancellation period, the students record will reflect a "W" for each withdrawn course. 

B.  Refund of tuition and fees will be based on the refund policy of the institution.


A.  Failing to meet pre-requisite requirements:  A department or instructor may drop an enrolled student from their course if a student fails to meet the established pre-requisite rules for the course.  The department or instructor must contact the Registrar’s Office in writing before the first day of the semester and request that the student be removed from the course.  The student will be dropped from the course, the course will not be listed on their transcript, and the student will not be charged tuition for the course.

B.  Non-Attendance:  Unless the student has received prior approval from the instructor, a department or instructor may drop an enrolled student from their course if a student fails to attend class during the first two class periods or first five percent of the course as determined by the instructor.  To drop a non-attending student, the department or instructor must contact the Registrar’s Office in writing within two business days following that deadline and requests that the student be removed from the course.  The student will be dropped from the course, the course will not be listed on their transcript, and the student will not be charged tuition for the course.  If the department or instructor does not drop a student from a course and the student does not plan to attend, the responsibility to cancel or withdraw remains with the student. 

C.  Recommendations for withdrawal based on academic dishonesty or behavioral problems:  Consistent with PPM 6-22 Student Code, grievances regarding academic dishonesty shall be referred to the college in which they arise for resolution according to the provisions of the Student Code.  Behavioral issues shall be referred to the Dean of Students for resolution according to the provisions of the Student Code