
No. 5-32
Rev. 09-02-14 Date: 3-15-78



A. University Travel - Travel on university business that requires the traveler to be away from home or normal place of employment for a period of time that includes an extended day or overnight stay or that requires the use of air transportation.

B. Per diem - a daily allowance for personal expenses while traveling for the University, (i.e., snacks, meals, personal phone calls, etc.)

C. Extended Day Travel - Same day travel that exceeds ten (10) hours in length and where more than one hundred (100) miles was traveled each way.

D.  Airfare Equivalency Calculation - The rate of reimbursement or total allowance for other modes of travel other than the use of a commercial airline.

E.  Individual Travel Reimbursement Application - The online travel authorization, approval, reconciliation and reimbursement application for individual travelers on university business

F. Group - Two or more student participants (i.e., an academic class, athletic team, club, etc.) Traveling on a WSU sanctioned trip with a group representative

G. Group Representative - a WSU employee who travels with, and is accountable for, the travel of a group

H. Group Cash Disbursement Record - a form used to document cash given to individual group travelers in lieu of per diem.

I.  Lowest and Most Reasonable Airfare - is defined as flights departing during normal business hours and only those offered by reputable airlines


PPM 4-10, Field Trips
PPM 4-11, Study Abroad Programs
PPM 3-2(a), Fair Labor Standards Act
PPM 5-11, Reimbursement for Petty Cash Purchases
PPM 5-25a, University Procurement/General
PPM 5-25i, Purchasing Cards
PPM 5-33, Vehicle Fleet

WSU Purchasing Card Guide


University travel is to be charged on a University Purchasing Card (P-card). This policy applies to travel by all employees or students where the costs of travel are charged against all funds in the custody of Weber State University, including general funds.

The economical expenditure of University funds should be of prime consideration by all travelers. Consideration should also be given to the efficient use of the traveler's time.

It is the intent of this policy that the University pay for the necessary costs incurred by the traveler while traveling on University business. Except for per diem, the institution will not pay for costs of a personal nature. For business expenditures, the institution will not pay more than actual costs incurred and will not pay for costs reimbursed from any other source.

The immediate supervisor of the traveler is responsible for prior approval and review of all travel requests for compliance with this policy and appropriateness of the items claimed.

The president, provost or a vice president may authorize exceptions in writing to any specific provision of this policy, including the rates in Schedule I.


The following kinds of expenses are authorized to be paid by the University for approved travel:

A. Transportation Costs

1. Air Fare

The University will pay for coach airfare priced less than business class and first class fares.  Within the options available in coach fares, it is important that employees select the most cost effective fare based upon their circumstances.  Where possible, air- fare reservations should be obtained at least twenty-one (21) days in advance to obtain the least cost air fares. If a traveler is required to be on travel status an increased length of time in order to obtain a reduced transportation cost, additional expenses incurred for lodging and meals will be paid by the University only if overall travel cost savings result.   To qualify for additional expenses justification illustrating the cost savings must be obtained from WSU Travel Services and approved by the traveler's supervisor prior to leaving.

To avoid a loss of University funds and in the event of uncertain or last minute travel, WSU Travel Services or the current State Travel Agency should be contacted for fully refundable, changeable state contract city pair fares, (Government Fares).  Government fares are not available for personal or companion use.

2. Private Vehicle

The traveler may use a private vehicle instead of an airline for University travel. The University will pay for the transportation costs by private vehicle subject to the following conditions

a. The total cost of using the private vehicle, including mileage and costs incurred en route (such as meals, lodging, tolls, etc.) and parking
fees at the destination, cannot exceed the total amount pre-approved on the Airfare Equivalency Calculation, provided by WSU Travel Services.

(1) The mileage cost is calculated using the approved mileage rate and highway mileage from a mapping website (Mapquest or Google) for the most direct route.

(2) The Airline Equivalency Calculation determines the maximum payment for use of the private vehicle.  See Schedule 1 and the WSU P-card Guide for costs included in the Airfare Equivalency Calculation.

(3) If a destination is not served by a scheduled airline, the University will pay for use of a private vehicle using the highway mileage from a mapping website (Mapquest or Google) for the most direct, usually traveled route.

b. Overtime or compensatory time may result from the time spent driving a personal or University vehicle.  See PPM 3-2(a), for clarification on FLSA requirements with regard to overtime or compensatory time for non-exempt staff employees.

c. Employees traveling to the same destination for a common set of meetings are encouraged to reduce total cost to the University by traveling together when feasible. If two or more employees travel together in the same vehicle, the reimbursable transportation expenses will be limited to the lesser of (a) mileage  allowance for the vehicle or (b) the combined costs of the Airfare Equivalency Calculation for all employees traveling in that vehicle.

3. University Vehicles

The University will pay the cost of using a University-owned vehicle.

B. Lodging

The University will cover actual cost of the traveler's lodging for the period of the authorized event as documented by a copy of the agenda or Airfare Equivalency Calculation.

Lodging costs at a destination within 50 miles of Ogden must have documented approval by the provost or appropriate vice president.

C. Per Diem

The University will provide a per diem for all overnight and extended day travel based upon the table listed in Schedule 1.

D. Ground Transportation

Public transportation should be utilized whenever practical while on University business.

The University will pay reasonable and necessary costs of a standard rental vehicle at the destination when such a vehicle is authorized prior to traveling.  Travelers should use rental agencies which are under state contract to take advantage of insurance coverage.  (State contract rental information may be found at  The vehicle rented by the traveler should result in the lowest cost to the University.

Please refer to the WSU Purchasing Card Guide for additional insurance information regarding the rental of vehicles within the United States and in foreign countries.

Specific questions on insurance coverage should be addressed to the University Risk Manager.

E. Miscellaneous Charges

The University will pay for the following types of expenses

1.  Airport Parking and mileage to and from the airport, long-term parking on or off the airport site, OR mileage to and from the airport for someone to drop off and pick up the traveler (two trips).

2.  Authorized registration fees for conferences or meetings.

3. Cost of parking, tolls, etc. at the destination.4. An accumulative total in miscellaneous itemized business expenses can be claimed without supporting receipts. (See Schedule I)


The University will not pay for the following types of expenses:

1.  Fines for parking or traffic citations or damage to a private vehicle.

2.  Bank and ATM fees incurred on personal accounts or credit cards.

3.  Miscellaneous airline fees for personal services or upgrades.

4.  Airfares or lodging procured using frequent flier or travel award programs.


A. All Employee Travel

1. Before departure, log on to the Individual Travel Reimbursement application via e-Weber portal and complete the online travel request form.  The online travel form will be forwarded to the traveler's supervisor for approval of the travel and the funding.  Once approved, make the necessary travel reservations for transportation and lodging in accordance with this policy and the WSU P-Card Guide sing the WSU P-Card for all expenses.

2. Within ten (10) working days after return, log on to the Individual Travel Reimbursement application to reconcile all expenses.  All receipts and pertinent documentation including conference agendas, itineraries, or explanations of special circumstances, must be scanned and attached to your online travel request before submitting the request to your supervisor or reconciler for final approval.  All travel requests will be electronically approved by supervisors and reconcilers and reimbursements will be deposited directly into the traveler's designated bank account.

3. If after the trip, a traveler needs to reimburse the University, the traveler must make payment via the Individual Travel Reimbursement application using personal credit card.  The reconciliation of the travel request and the reimbursement must be submitted within ten working days after traveler's return.

4. At the end of the month, the monthly P-Card statement must be reconciled against the online travel request to ensure that all charges have been properly accounted and documented.

B. Mileage Only Reimbursement

1. When travel only requires mileage reimbursement and is within the Petty Cash limit, a Petty Cash Voucher should be used. (See PPM 5-11, Reimbursement for Petty Cash Purchases)

2. A series of small claims may be accumulated on a log and submitted as a group at least by the end of each semester. If the total amount exceeds the petty cash limit, submit log with a "Mileage Reimbursement" form.

C. Non-Employee Travel (Consultants, Job Candidates, Speakers, etc.)

In those instances where departments are paying for the travel of non-employees, travel arrangements may be made through WSU Travel Services or the current State Contract Travel Agency.  Airline reservations should be made using fully refundable/changeable state contract city pair fairs (Government Fares).  These fares avoid a loss of University funds should the travel change or be canceled. Rental care expenses can be billed to WSU Travel Services and requests should be submitted on a purchase requisition.  Any additional incidental expenses such as parking or car services at the traveler's origin will be reimbursed to the individual upon receipt of a requisition and the original itemized receipts.

D. Athletic and Academic Group Travel

1. Per diem, as defined in this policy, will not be used for coaches and advisors, etc., involved in athletic group travel.  Group Representatives may receive per diem if authorized by the supervisor or by the International Programs Office.

2. A Group Representative, a WSU employee who travels with and is accountable for the travel of a student group, has the following responsibilities:

a. Before departure: the Group Representative completes Part I of the WSU Travel Packet (including the Estimated Expenses portion and obtains required approval(s).  All travel arrangements must be made through WSU Travel Services in advance for transportation, lodging, etc.

b. During travel: maintains all travel-related receipts. Uses the Group Cash Disbursement Record to document cash given to individual group travelers in lieu of per diem.

c. Within ten working days after return: completes the WSU Travel Packet, reconciles expenses, signs and obtains reconciler supervisor approval.

d. If after the travel packet is reconciled, a reimbursement is due to the Group Representative, a requisition must be completed and the travel packet along with all original documentation (receipts, agendas, etc). must be forwarded to the Purchasing Department for reimbursement.  Once the travel packet is reviewed for compliance, the travel packet will be stamped "PAID" and reimbursement will be made to the Group Representative.

e. If the Group Representative needs to reimburse the University, the representative must make the payment to the Cashier's Office within ten working days after the travel return.  The payment receipt must be included in the travel packet

3. At the end of the month, the reconciler must reconcile the monthly P-=Card statement against the travel packet ot ensure all charges have been properly accounted and documented. .

E. Travel on Grants or Contracts

Travel to be paid from funds received as a grant or contract from a non-WSU agency is subject to the provisions of this policy, unless the funding agency imposes provisions more restrictive than those in this policy.

F. Changes in Rates and Fees

Changes in the allowable rates or other items listed in Schedule I, which will required periodic update are not considered as a change in policy and will be corrected as needed with approval from the VP of Administrative Services.  Standard rates listed in Schedule I are the maximum rates allowed by the University, however, supervisors may establish lower rates to accommodate individual departmental budgets.  Schedule I will be reviewed annually for any necessary changes.

Effective 12/1/2014
Allowable Rates

A.  Airline Fees

1.  Exchange Fees - If you anticipate changes, or dates/times are uncertain, travelers should book fully refundable, changeable State Contract Airfares to avoid excessive change fees.  Consult with WSU Travel Services or the current State Contract Travel Agency.  The University will allow up to one change per trip resulting from university obligations, which may not exceed $200.00 for domestic tickets and $300.00 for international tickets.  The reason for the change fee must be documented in and included in the travel packet. Change fees resulting from non-University obligations will not be covered or reimbursed.

2.  Baggage Fees - vary by airline, but should be considered when booking airfare.

Allowable First Bag Fee Travel where duration is 7 days or less
Allowable Subsequent Bag Fee Travel where duration is 8 days or longer
Unallowable - without memo of explanation Subsequent Bag Fee Travel where duration is 7 days or less

B.  Private Vehicle Reimbursement

1.  $.38/mile. The total cost of using the private vehicle, including mileage and costs incurred enroute (such as meals, lodging, tolls, etc.) and parking fees at the destination, cannot exceed the lowest available airfare to that destination.

2.  A list of "standard mileage" for commonly traveled to locations from the WSU Ogden campus is listed in the Individual Travel Reimbursement application and on the Purchasing Department website.  Unless actual odometer readings are used, all other distances will be determined by using a mapping website (Mapquest or Google), for the most direct and usually traveled routes.

C. Lodging Rates

Reasonable and necessary lodging costs (room rental and related taxes), based upon the single occupancy room rate are allowed.

D. Per Diem:  Supervisor's approval indicates he/she has reviewed and per diem claimed is accurate.

1.  How to determine:

a.  If flying and claiming mileage to airport, per diem begins two hours before SLC departing flight time and ends two hours after flight arrival time back in SLC.

b.  If traveler is driving a private vehicle and claims mileage, per diem is calculated based upon the arrival and departure times used in the Airfare Equivalency calculation provided by WSU Travel Services and in accordance with the per diem schedule outlined below.

c.  If the traveler drives a University vehicle, per diem begins when traveler leaves on trip and ends upon return as documented by travel itinerary. 

d.  If the circumstances do not meet any of the above, contact the Purchasing Office.

2.  Per Diem Rate

$47/day to cover incidental personal expenses, i.e., meals, personal calls, dry cleaning, etc., on travel requiring over night stay.

Partial per diem is allowed as follows:

Leave between 12:01 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Leave between 10:01 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Leave between 4:01 p.m. and 12:00 midnight
$47 $36 $23
Interim Full Days
Return between 12:01 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Return between 10:01 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Return between 4:01 p.m. and 12:00 midnight
$11 $24 $47
Extended day travel $15

Extended day travel is defined as same day travel over 10 hours in length, and where more than 100 miles was traveled each way.

3.  ATM Usage for Per Diem Expenses

ATM usage via WSU P-Cards is available for foreign travel for per diem expenses and/or group travel for per diem or meal expenses.  This requires pre-authorization from your supervisor and the appropriate vice president.  Bank fees on personal ATM cards are not an allowable business expense.

E. Miscellaneous Expenses:

An accumulative total of $20.00 in itemized miscellaneous expenses can be claimed without supporting receipts.

F.  Airport Parking

Long term parking maximum rate is $12.00 per day for the number of days traveling on business.

G.  Airfare Equivalency Calculation

The following costs are included in the Airfare Equivalency Calculation

1.  Mileage to and from WSU to SLC Airport - maximum 72 miles.

2.  Long-term parking fees (maximum of $12.00 per day) for the number of days the traveler would have been traveling on business, OR, mileage for two round trips from WSU to the SLC airport if being dropped off and picked up, whichever is less.

3.  Airfare - the lowest and most reasonable airfare based upon a 21 day advance purchase, or the State Contracted airfare, whichever is less, for the departure/arrival dates and times the traveler would have received if traveling by air.

4.  Ground Transportation at destination is calculated based upon the average cost of a shuttle/taxi or standard rental car cost (excluding gasoline) from the arrival airport to and from the hotel.  Rental car expenses will not be included in the calculation unless supervisor approval was obtained PRIOR to the request for an Airfare Equivalency Calculation.

5.  The timeframe of the equivalent flight determined by WSU Travel Services will be used to calculate the per diem amount.