Requisition Preparation and Processing

No. 5-25b Rev. 10-14-03 Date 2-23-83





To set forth requirements and instructions for preparing and processing requisitions.


Utah Procurement Code, 1953 Utah Code Annotated, SS63-56-22
PPM 5-25a, University Procurement
PPM 5-25d, Restricted Purchases and Special Procurement



A form used to initiate the procurement of supplies and services. Requisitions are not purchase orders and shall not be used or represented as such.


A. Use of Requisitions

1. Except as provided in paragraph 2 below, a requisition must be submitted to initiate the procurement of supplies and services by the Purchasing Department.

NOTE: University operating units that are authorized to engage in direct procurement without going through the Purchasing Department are listed in PPM 5-25a, IV.

2. Items or services not requiring a requisition include the following:

a. Petty cash purchases

b. Purchases from other campus service centers, such as printing, bookstore (non-capital items), etc.

c. Travel by University employees

d. Purchases with university purchasing cards

3. Needs which are of an urgent nature may be placed by telephone call to the Purchasing Department. Telephone request must be followed up by a written requisition.

4. Drawing accounts are not allowed unless approved by the Purchasing Department.  They may not be used to purchase capital equipment items.

5. It is improper under state law to divide or split procurement transactions into small units that are artificially devised to avoid the bidding requirements and other procedures applicable to larger unit transactions. (See 1953 Utah Code Annotated SS63-56-22)

B. Requisitions for Purchases Charged to Restricted Grants and Contracts will not be processed after the contract or grant has terminated.

C. Each requisition must include as a minimum the following information:

1. An accurate description for every article listed, including catalog numbers, size, color, etc.

2. Delivery instructions as appropriate

3. Possible sources of supply, if known

4. Appropriate signature or electronic approval:

a. This signature, i.e., Vice President, Dean, Department chair, grantee or gift fund manager, etc.; shall be assumed to verify that funds are available and that the expenditure is in the best interests of the University and in compliance with activities or projects under his/her purview

b. Immediate supervisor level signatures are required on supporting documentation for:

(1) Registration and membership fees 

(2) Entertainment requests

c.  Supporting documentation for reimbursements to individuals for legitimate university expenses must be reviewed by immediate supervisor and signed by appropriate vice president.