Bloomington Canyon Yurt
Reservations for the 2024 - 2025 year open on November 4, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.
Reserve Yurt: Winter 2024-25
Call the Outdoor Program to reserve an open date starting Nov 4, 2024, at 9 a.m.
Current Weather Conditions
Air Temperature | Dew Point | Snow Depth | Wind Direction | Wind Speed | Relative Humidity |
The WSU Outdoor Program proudly offers the Bloomington Canyon Yurt in beautiful Bear Lake, Idaho. The yurt rental program is available to WSU students/faculty/staff and the general public.
Renting the yurt requires route finding, experience in backcountry travel, and the ability to read a map and/or GPS. The Bloomington Canyon Yurt opens up some of the best ski and snowmobile terrains Idaho offers.
The Mongolian-style Yurt is outfitted with:
- Wooden floor
- Wood-burning stove (Do not cook on top of the woodstove! This top is for melting snow for water only. A propane stove is provided for cooking food.)
- Kitchen (assortment of pots and pans) (No plates, bowls, cups, or utensils will be available. Please bring your own.)
- Bunks for up to 12 (The Yurt is being loved to death; group size has been limited to 12 people)
- See all amenities below
The Yurt is located in Bloomington Canyon. The trailhead is approximately 108 miles from the Weber State University Campus.
* Yurt Critical Updates *
- Tracked side by side use, requires Idaho snowmobile license. Tracked side by sides should not be used off groomed trails. These vehicles leave massive ruts that make skiing and snowmobiling very dangerous. This is backcountry etiquette to ensure all users enjoy this space.
- Snowmobile Riders, Bloomington Canyon, is a multi-use recreational area. Skiers have a limited travel range, so please don't ride on slopes near the yurt that are best suited for skiers.
- Operating procedures have changed. The group max size has been limited to 12. Plates, bowls, cups, and utensils will no longer be available, and additional cleaning protocols will be strictly enforced. Please review the standard operating procedures.
- Slow down on the wood-burning. The yurt is intended to be heated to around 65 degrees, not 90. The yurt is not a sauna!
- Do not cook on top of the woodstove! This top is for melting snow for water only. A propane stove is provided for cooking.
- You may have noticed the nightly rental rate for the yurt has gone up. This rate will continue to rise as renters fail to follow the standard operating procedures and create more work.
- Yurt checkout time is 10:00 a.m. Please have your group cleaned up and exiting by 10:00 a.m.
- Please report broken or damaged yurt items to 801-626-7904, as these damages compromise other renter's experiences.
- Please do not rent the yurt if you do not have significant winter backcountry travel experience. (Avalanche level 1/ rescue is a recommended minimum qualification)
- Please avoid chasing deer, elk, and moose on the trail. Follow at a safe distance until it appears safe to pass.
- It is advised to always have a pair of skis or snowshoes on your snowmobile. This will facilitate an easier exit if your sled fails.
- Renters, please split your own firewood and leave enough for the next group to get started. Please be sparing with the wood and do not overfill the yurt wood box; it only makes for good mice homes.
- Do not leave leftover food in the yurt. Only the mice eat it, and it's disgusting.
- Woodstove ash is not to be scattered in the forest! Please put cold ash in the metal trash can in the woodshed.
- Why are all the posts and pans missing handles? What do renters do with these things?
- Please do not stand on the toilet. Dropping bombs from this height is dangerous! The structure is not meant to support feet, when it breaks your foot will get poopy.
- Renters put all pots, pans, and utensils in sealed dark blue tub.
- Please remember solar electricity for lights at the yurt is not 100% reliable, storm cycles and cloud cover limit charging. Be prepared with alternatives.
How to use the Bloomington Canyon Yurt
About the Yurt
- Location: Bloomington Canyon, Idaho
- Altitude: 7619
- Distance To Yurt From Trail Head: 7 miles
- Parking: Please park at the Bloomington Canyon Trail head near the water tower. Leave a lane around the perimeter of the lot for emergency vehicles.
- Elevation Change: 1600
- Occupancy Max: 12
- Cost per night: $325 + tax (30% discount for WSU Students with Active Wildcard and W#. No discount for WSU Faculty/Staff. WSU Affiliate must be present on the trip.)
Important Information
- Bloomington Canyon is a multi-use recreation destination. During the winter months, it can see heavy snowmobile traffic. Please travel to the side of the groomed trail and be cautious. Skiers may be able to hear the snowmobiles long before the snowmobiles can see them. Skiers, please take precautions.
- Snowmobilers, Idaho requires all snowmobiles to have an Idaho registration sticker, available at select UT retailers. Please designate Bear Lake County (Option 4) for your support fees. Idaho Registration stickers are also available at the Sinclair Station in Paris, Idaho, 209 S. Main St. Paris, ID 83261. (208) 945-2292 (The Station is located one mile past Bloomington Canyon Rd, heading north).
- The trail can be difficult to find during the winter months. Your group must be able to read a map and or use a GPS. Please download the Yurt Map, and familiarize yourself with reading a topo map.
- Groups must be sufficiently prepared to stay out in the elements for a minimum of one night in a worst-case scenario, do not underestimate the 7.3 miles, 1600ft vertical skin to the yurt. Plan and be prepared.
- Groups should plan to depart from the trailhead no later than 9 a.m. in order to arrive safely at the yurt before dark.
- Yurt checkout time is 10 a.m. Please be sure your group is cleaned up and exiting the yurt by 10 a.m.
- Groups should be knowledgeable and experienced winter backcountry travelers. Avalanche level 1, and companion rescue are recommended minimum qualifications.
There is no avalanche terrain on approach or threatening the yurt. However, the terrain surrounding the yurt can produce avalanches. Take an avalanche course from the WSU Outdoor Program.
2 bunks with 3" pads (each bunk-bed sleeps 4)
- 2 fold-out beds with 3" pads (each fold-out sleeps 2)
- 1 Cot
- Woodburning stove
- 10 Buckets, Food Storage/ Chairs
- LP gas cook stove with propane
- Complementary pots and pans for cooking (Plates, bowls, cups, and utensils will not be provided. Renters must bring their own)
- Coffee pour-over cone - takes a size 6 filters
- Solar Powered lights
- Shallow Pit Toilet
- Wood, woodshed is full (split what you burn)
Weather/Snow Station
Elevation: 7600'
- DO NOT enter the snow study site
- Delicate snow data is being collected that help in Avalanche Forecasting
- Fines will be enforced for entering area or tampering with equipment
Bloomington Yurt Conditions
National Weather Service MesoWest
Recommended Equipment
- 0 deg. sleeping bag
- Headlamp and additional lantern (Solar lights are not always reliable, they depend on the sun!)
- Food
- Extra clothes
- Avalanche beacon
- Extra Batteries
- Shovel
- Probe
- Skis/ Snowboard
- Skins
- Sunglasses
- Sunscreen
Facebook Album of Bloomington Canyon Yurt