Frequently Asked Questions
Registration Info and Refunds
Before you register, inquire about our refund policies, and clarify any questions you have regarding your ability to participate in the activity.
The OP reserves the right to cancel trips or workshops due to low enrollment or inclement weather. Important: update your e-mail, telephone, and mailing address at the time of registration. If your personal contact information is not updated by you at the time of registration the OP assumes no responsibility for notifying participants of trip/workshop cancellations or postponements. If the OP cancelled a trip, full refunds will be issued.
Refund Policies
Full refunds are not offered by the OP.
If you request a refund before the registration deadline, you will be eligible for a 50% refund.
If you request a refund after the registration deadline, no refund will be issued.
Pre-Trip Meetings are Mandatory
Certain activities require attendance at a pre-trip meeting. Information shared at these meetings is important for your enjoyment and safety in the activity.
Equipment for Activities
Please review your course information sheet to see if you must provide specialized equipment for your course. This information sheet is provided at the time of registration and also available on our website.
How do I register
Trip registration is now fully online, unless specified on trip page. Please visit individual trip pages for registration links.
For inquiries regarding trips email:
Payment for classes and trips must be made at the time of registration. Cash, check, debit, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover are accepted (AmEx not accepted). Participants must sign an assumption of risks & liability waiver in order to participate.
When do I have to pay?
For programs and workshops: You must pre-register before the registration deadline.
By waiting until the last minute to register there is a chance that: there aren’t any available spots left; you will be put on a wait list or the activity may be canceled due to low enrollment.
See below for refund information.
Activity Rating Scale
To assist you in selecting from our class offerings, we rate our courses on a subjective scale of required experience and fitness. If there is no description offered in the trip you can assume that beginners are welcome, and that average fitness will be sufficient. If you have any questions please call us at 801-626-6373 or e-mail:
- No prior experience necessary; low to moderate physical activity
- Prior experience in the topic area recommended; moderate to strenuous physical activity
- Prior knowledge required; strenuous physical activity