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Tips for Application


Statement of interest

  • Write your essay in a document (such as Word). This will allow you to check word counts and spelling as well as easily edit. This will be helpful when you ask someone to proofread and edit your statement (see tip below). Once you are satisfied, you can copy and paste your statement into the application.
  • Have someone you trust (family member, friend, teacher) proofread your statement of interest.
  • Ensure that you have commented on the three criteria: 1. Interest in research, scholarly, or creative endeavors. 2. Evidence of academic ability to succeed in the Research Fellows Program. 3. Personal goals that you hope to achieve by being a Fellow.
  • Please contact with any questions or concerns you have.

Letters of Reference

  • Please confirm with your reference their willingness to write a letter on your behalf on your ability to succeed in the Research Fellows Program.
  • Double check that you have the correct contact and email information for your reference.