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Alan Dayton

Title: Vice President of Government Relations
Company: Intermountain Healthcare

Location: Salt Lake City, UT

Educational Background

  • JD, BYU Law School
  • BS, Political Science and Government, Weber State University

Weber State University Service & Honors

  • National Advisory Council Member


Alan Dayton has made significant contributions to the healthcare and public sectors. With a distinguished career spanning years, he has played a pivotal role in navigating complex legislative landscapes, particularly in the realm of healthcare policy. Dayton has demonstrated exceptional leadership and advocacy skills, contributing to Intermountain Healthcare’s continued success and impact on the community. A distinguished alum of Weber State University, Dayton has forged a legacy of service both within the university community and beyond. Dayton's commitment to his alma mater is evident through his extensive involvement and active contributions to the advancement of the institution on a variety of fronts.