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Marching Band

Putting the “LOUD” in Louder and Prouder

Weber State students of all majors and musical abilities are invited to join the WSU Marching Band!

With exciting performances at football games and other campus events, the Wildcat Marching Band is the most visible musical ensemble at Weber State — and we want YOU to be a part of it.

Participation in the Wildcat Marching Band is open to all WSU students of all majors and fulfills the major ensemble requirement for music majors and minors.

  • Do you play a wind or percussion instrument?
  • Do you have any background in color guard, drill team, or dance?
  • Do you like having fun and making friends?

If you answered "yes" to any of these, the Wildcat Marching Band is perfect for you. Scholarship money is available for most students.

When registering, sign up for MUSC 1752.

Register in Your eWeber Portal

The marching band rehearses Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12:30 to 2:20 p.m, and the class may be repeated seven times with a maximum of eight credit hours. Students are required to perform at football games throughout the season.

While no marching band experience is necessary for any position, a background in dance or guard is prefered for those interested in color guard.   

For questions, contact: