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Online Master of Science in Systems Engineering (MSSE)

The 100% online HyFlex Weber State University Master of Science in Systems Engineering (MSSE) provides students with a high-quality education, virtual class options, and the opportunity to succeed at school while working. 

Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering and management, combining traditional mechanical, electrical, civil, and industrial engineering and incorporating technology trends of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the data sciences. Systems Engineers design, develop and manage complex, global systems to ensure safety and success.

There is no end to the number of solutions or approaches to a wicked problem. That's why Weber State University's 100% online Master’s degree in Systems Engineering is HyFlex to meet your unique needs. HyFlex allows you to choose how to attend class – scheduled web conferencing or online instruction. Apply today, and engineer solutions to wicked problems!

Schedule a Pre-Admission Advising Appointment


Apply for the Master of Science in Systems Engineering

We also offer an Online Certificate in Systems Foundations & Practice

How much do Systems Engineers make?

Systems Engineering starting salaries range from $90-120k*

*Utah industry salary range. Salaries vary depending on the region, workplace, and skill level. 

Application Deadlines

Fall Semester - May 1

Spring Semester  - October 1

Course Requirements

See the Catalog for the course requirements for the Master of Science in Systems Engineering or the Systems Engineering and Sustainable Engineering Post Baccalaureate Certificate.