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How to Apply

Application Deadlines

Enrolling in the Spring Semester

October 15

Enrolling in the Fall Semester

March 15

Each application must be accompanied by a $60 (U.S.) application fee ($95 for international / non-U.S. resident applicants). This may be paid with a credit card using the online application form.

Apply Now

Frequently Asked Questions


Admission Requirements

Application Materials

International Applicants

If you are an international applicant, you need to complete additional paperwork in order to comply with university and U.S. immigration regulations. If you have questions about the Weber State University admissions process for international applicants, you may contact Admissions at 801-626-6005 or or visit the Weber State University International Student and Scholar Center.


Request official TOEFL or IELTS scores, GRE scores, and evaluated transcripts be sent directly to the following address:

MSDS Admission Committee
Weber State University
1465 Edvalson St Dept 1801
Ogden UT 84408-1801