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Master of Science in Athletic Training
Brilliant ideas. Brilliant care.

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Take your first step toward a successful career in athletic training through quality educational and research experiences in our state-of-the-art facilities. All students with a bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply to the MSAT program; however, we recommend the Rehabilitation Sciences program as it includes all of the required prerequisite courses and gives students a strong foundation in orthopedics. Upon graduation, you will be eligible for the Board of Certification (BOC) examination.

Click HERE to see our BOC pass rate and CAATE Program Data.


  the Master of Science in Athletic Training degree 

  • Your MSAT Degree

    You'll learn skills in the emergency care; prevention, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries; and general medical conditions. Graduates go on to become certified athletic trainers.

  • Board Certification Pass Rates 


    100% of our students have passed the Board of Certification exam over the last four years! Your education with us at Weber State University will take you to the next level as a healthcare professional.  You can check out our annual BOC pass rates, retention rates, graduation rates, and job placement rates at the website below:
    WSU MSAT Program Information and Outcomes


are in store for you @WSU! Discover why Weber?  

The healthcare industry aims to achieve patients' success and well-being through what's called the Quadruple Aim. This term means the simultaneous pursuit of high quality care at a low cost for all individuals, while also supporting the healthcare provider.

At the Dumke College of Health Professions we believe your education should be treated the same way! And our award-winning programs are dedicated to your student success!



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