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Resources for Microbiology Majors



Major Advising

Majors will receive personalized attention as they meet and discuss their schedule, research, and career choices. Meet with a faculty advisor.

M. Culumber   D. Clark   M. Crook


Job Announcements

From time to time the department recieves job and internship opportunities for students of the Department of Microbiology. See the latest listings here. 

Learn More



From time to time the department will be sending out e-newsletters to keep students, faculty, staff and friends of the Department of Microbiology in the know.

Past Issues   Subscribe


Alpha Sigma Mu - Student Club

Alpha Sigma Mu provides valuable support to microbiology students by investigating outside financial aid, field trips and seminars with off-campus employers and graduate programs. Students are encouraged through research, leadership experiences and social circles.

Faculty Advisor TBA


Scholarships and Fellowships

Microbiology students are encouraged to apply to all college scholarships that apply to them and for the private sponsored Dr. John and Mrs. Nancy Lowe Microbiology Undergraduate Research Fellowship. 

Scholarship Info     Fellowship Info


Financial Aid (FAFSA)

FAFSA is an application that students must submit to be eligible for any and all financial support, including scholarships. Set a reminder for Oct. 1 of every year to file your application. The earlier a submission, the higher chances for financial aid eligibility. 

FAFSA Information


University Resource Guide:

Receive assistance with food, mental and physical health, child care and so much more. Don't be "THAT" student who graduates and then finds out what he was paying for and never used!

Discover Here

Get To Know Our Students:

Hear from real Microbiology Majors pursuing various careers and graduate school programs.

Sarah Redington

"I feel very prepared for the PA program now."

Joshua Penrod 

"I needed a program that would give me a great base for med school."

Let's Connect!


Advisor & Office Hrs

New Major Advisors
Dr. Michele Culumber
Dr. Daniel Clark
Dr. Matthew Crook

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Mailing Address

Weber State University
College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2506
Ogden, UT 84408-2506

Building Location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY 450)

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