Please remember: In synch with the ethos of the web, the list below is always in the making. Please let us know if you've made new discoveries as you make your excursions into cyberia, and please check out related web pages on this site as well.
Note as well that, while many websites may be informative and useful, they are typically no substitute for the more sustained scholarly discussion of a book.
TO BE UPDATED AND EXPANDED PERIODICALLY—please stay tuned! Please consult MAL PAL and CAL PAL as well, as the dividing membrane between modern and contemporary/postmodern culture is, much in the spirit of postmodern forms of destabilization, fluid and permeable.
- Bioscope: Early and Silent Cinema (excellent)
- Filmmonthly
- Marshall McLuhan I, II
- Center for History of New Media
- Future of the Book
- Electric Literature Magazine
- UBUWEB: Sound: (Poetry) MP 3 Archive
- Douglas Kahn, Audio Art, soundtoys
- Snapshots of Photography I, II
- Telegraphy I, II, What is the Meaning of SOS?
- Typewriter History I, II, III, IV, V, VI (TW/Word Processor)
- A Look Back at the Typewriter (NPR)
- Typewriters in a Digital Age (NPR)
- Typewriter Man (NPR); Typewriting Type Tom Hanks (To be continued)
- Virtual Typewriter Museum
- Classic Typewriter Store
- The Will Self archive and the Typewriter
- The Typewriter: an informal history
- The Politics & Personality of Typefaces
- Media History Project
- Celebrities Write on Parchment
- Movietone—Newsreel Archive
- LibriVox
- Sven Birkerts, Reading in a Digital Age
- - Nicholas Carr, Is Google Making as Stupid?, The Shallows, The Glass Cage (McLuhanism 50 Years Later); NC's blog: RoughType; The Glass Cage (NYT)
=> Clive Thompson, "Reading War and Peace on my iPhone" (2014/2021) - David Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect
- Benjamin Kunkel., Goodbye to the Graphosphere
- After the Media Apocalypse & Stories
- Ted Striphas, The Late Age of Print: Everyday Book Culture from Consumerism to Control
- Evgeny Mozorov, The Net Delusion
- Postmodern Theory: Walter Benjamin,
Frankfurt School/Benjamin I, II, III, IV - How we Write: Writing as Design
- World's Smallest Fountain Pen
- Thomas Alva Edison I, "Fred Ott's Sneeze"
- Twilight of the Books? I, II, III
- Google going Retro
- The Great Exhibition (1851), I, II, III
- This is Your Brain on Writing (24 June 14)
- The Internet of Words (Aug 14)
- Lise Gitelman, How Users Define New Media: A History of the Amusement Phonograph
- Women and the Rise of Sound Recordings
- Women in Media Research
- History and Uncertain Future of Handwriting
- Jonathan Lambert, Why writing by hand beats typing for thinking and learning (NPR, 5/24)
- Marc Raboy, Marconi: The Man Who Wired the World (2016)
- Ergodic Literature
- Lessons in Stillness (2017)
- From Clay Tablet to Predictive Texts: How Tech Shapes Lit (2017
- The Short Story Vending Machine
- Dwarsliggers--or How to Reinvent and Cellularize the Book (11/18)
- Our centuries-long quest for "a quiet place" (12/18)
- Anna Quindlen on the power of writing by hand (4/22)
- Ezra Klein, I Didn't Want It to Be True, but the Medium Really Is the Message (8/22)
Bits on Robots
- Japan and the fax machine, Japan and paper
- Spartacus Educational
- History of Robots in the Victorian Era
- Project Gutenberg
- Literature Network (online texts)
- Center for History of Physics
- The Nobel Foundation
- Postmodern Theory: Walter Benjamin
- Frankfurt School/Benjamin I, II, III
- Eiffel Tower I, II, III
- LibraryThing (good for book covers)
- Vorticism
- The Selling of the Cellphone
- History of Information Consumption
- Bob Brown: Godfather of the E-Reader
- The Joy of (Outdated) Facts
- TEDtalks
- Tom Bissell, Extra Lives — Why Videogames Matter
- American Novel Pronounced Dead--Again
- Radiolab
- Luke Fernandez' Blogspot
- The Future of Picture Books?
- Oliver Sack's, The Mind's Eye
- Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow
- Audiobooks I, II
- American Reading Habits
- Novels & Cable TV
- Typewriter in Film
- Pico Ayer, The Joy of Quiet
- Teju Cole on Photographers and Their Work (NYT)
- Digital Deluge & Image Overload
- Voice Control and Writing
- Audio chatrooms (Clubhouse) and renewed orality?
- Literary Data Mining
- Audiobooks: Speaking Volumes
- Why Memorize a Poem?
- What the Ancients Can Teach Us How to Remember
- Pigs, Elephants, and Trumpets - Noise and Warfare
- Before MOOCS, "Colleges of the Air"
- The Invention of News
- Turing Test Breakthrough/Eugene Goostman (June 14); The Imitation Game (film on Turing, 2014)
- The Echoes of Hearts Long Silenced
- Digitale Passage
- Download Free Art Books (Metro MMA)
- Stop Googling. Let's Talk
- India's Earliest Photographers
- Peter Manseau, The Apparitionists (2017) --
photography & spiritualism) - The Gutenberg Parenthesis
- Reintroducing the Fairness Doctrine? -- American Radio and Politics
- Why Remote Work is So Hard - and How it can be Fixed (New Yorker, June 2020)
- From George Eliot to Neo-Nazi Skinheads: The Chaotic Cult of Richard Wagner
- The Red Kimono (1925) and the right to digital erasure (3/21)
- Is Amazon Changing the Novel? (Oct 21)
- How Barnes & Noble went from Villain to Hero -- from bad to noble :)
Specific Writers and Specific Media
- Guillaume Apollinaire, GA - site officiel, GA II, GA III, "Il Pleut"; GA I, "Zone," III, IV, "Lettre-Ocean"
- Appleton, Tom Swift I, TS II, TS III
- J. M. Barrie, Barrie & Cinema
- Benjamin, Walter, [to be filled it, one of these years "], History is Photography: The Afterimage of WB
- Sir Arthur Conan (the Barbarian) Doyle, D-Overview, Holmes-Overview, "A Case of Identity ", D-Original Stories, "Text: The Japanned Box I," "Text: The Japanned Box II," "LibriVox: The Japanned Box," "The Voice of Science"
- Charles Dickens, MS-pages of A Christmas Carol
- Dostoevsky, The Gambler's Wife (2021): stenography/x-ray :)
- F Scott Fitzgerald, Gatz
- Em M. Forster, "The Machine Stops"
- Italian Futurism, F- Overview, F-Technopoetics, F-Manifestos, Bring Da Noise, Centennial Exhibition 2009
- Symphony of Sirens: Soung Experiments in the Russian Avant Garde (1908-1942)
- Jean-Marie Guyau, "Memory and Phonograph" (1880)
- Thomas Hardy and Film
- Henry James, HJ, Guide to HJ websites, A Virtual HJ, Postal Unconscious/Typewriter, (PMuse), Overview: In the Cage
- George Bernard Shaw, Pygmalion, Pygmalion: Sequel, Pygmalion Stories & Art, P Study Guide, GBS and Film, GBS and Phonetics, Shavian Alphabet, Pros & Cons of English Spelling Reform
- Ernst Juenger, Review of On Pain (not yet linked)
- Bram Stoker, Phonograph in Dracula (the web contains several sites along these lines)
- Frank Norris, Bio, N-Search, Narrative & Kinetoscope (PMuse), Fantaisie Printanière, Greed I, Greed II, Greed III
- Mark Twain, Bio, T-Search, Yankee, Typewriter, Paige-Typesetter, Fountain Pen, Gramophone
- Martin Heidegger, On the Hand and the Typewriter
- Friedrich Kittler, [to be started one of these days], Machine Learning , 1943-2011, Artforum (GWY & Eva Horn)
Machinology (Obituary, Jussi Parikka), FK Obituary (Stuart Jeffries, The Guardian) Machine Learning (Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, Cultural Politics special on FK (2012), Winthrop-Young on Kittler, German Media Theory, and everything else, War and Art: Friedrich Kittler & Egon Bunne (2003) - Deutsch-deutsche Traumfigur" -- 50 Jahre "Sandmännchen"
- N. Katherine Hayles I, Electronic Literature (2008)
- Wolfang Hagen–Theory and Practice of Radio, Pirate Radio/Radio Caroline, Pilkington Report
- Edison, Edmund Morris (2019)
- Lisa Gitelman, How Users Define New Media: A History of the Amusement Phonograph
- Geoffrey Winthrop-Young & Bernhard Siegert
- Sherry Turkle, Reclaiming Conversation (Jonathan Franzen); The Distracted Classroom; The Phones We Love Too Much
- Sven Birkerts, Changing the Subject
- Anthony Lane, A Boy's World - The Tintin Century (2007)
- Paul Virilio, Verso blog (2018)
- Hito Steyerl, The Wretched of the Screen (e-flux journal, 2013)
last updated 28 May 2024