Please remember: In synch with the ethos of the web, the list below is always in the making. Please let us know if you've made new discoveries (or spotted broken links) as you make your excursions into cyberia, and please check out related web pages on this site as well.
Note as well that, while many web sites may be informative and useful, they are typically no substitute for the more sustained scholarly discussion of a book.
This site is under construction, so please check back often. As well, please consult CALPAL (Contemporary American Literature Pal) and please check out JAZZPAL and FILMPAL on this site.
- American Literature and Modernism
- Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
- America's Story, from America's Library
- Image Database US and World History
- Literary Kicks
- Celebrating the "Bloomsday" Centennial
- When Literature Was Dangerous -- Ulysses (Chronicle)
- Harry Houdini I, HH II
- The Automobile I => The Most Important Road Trip in American History;
The EV transition: Ford's electric F-150 - Freud on the Web I, II, Standard Edition
- Scribbling Women
- American Modernist Writers and the Orient
- NYC-Subway Photos
- The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century (YouTube)
- WWI: List of Ambulance Drivers; The "Spanish flue"
- Marie Curie and the x-ray
- NPR on WWI
- Centenary Edition: WWI Living History Project (2 hours)
- "The Great War": America's Forgotton Conflict - World War II, WW II in Photos
- People's Century (PBS)
- The Legacy Project -- Consequences of 20th-Century Historical Tragedies
- Whatever Happend to German America?
- Europe's Refugee Crisis: The Last Time Round . . .
- Teaching the American 20s
- (American( (literary) Naturalism I, II, III
- The Layered History of Smokey Bear
- Radium Girls: The Dial Painters of the 1900s, RG II, RG III,
- The Algonquin Round Table - A Symbol of the Roaring Twenties
- A Few Words about "Silent Cal"
- ALH online book reviews
- A Century Ago: Muckrakers and "fake news"
- Economic History Association, Thrift
Economic History of the 20th Century - The 1920s
The 1920s - The Real Deal
Rosie the Riveter and a wartime California dream - (Mod & Contemp) American Literature, WSU Stewart
- Center for History and New Media
- Modern American Poetry (MAP)
- Chinatown: The 1906 Earthquake I, II
- The Blue, the Gray and the Chinese: American Civil War Participants of Chinese Descent
- US has a long history of violence against Asian Women
- History of Modernism
- Chronicle: Arts & Letters Daily
- A Look Back at the Typewriter (NPR)
- RelicRadio.com/Old Time Radio
- Why Criticism Matters
- Author-on-Author insults :)
- Literary Timeline: The American Novel (PBS)
- Automobile in American Life & Society
- Emily Post & 1920s Etiquette
- 1922: The Year That Transformed English Literature
- Literature and Hollywood's Seamy Underbelly
- H.G. Wells vs. George Orwell -- On Science
- Prohbition and the Cocktail Movement
- How Prohibition Changed the Way Americans Drink, 100 Years Ago
- American Socialists by Throughline: Eugene Debs (NPR Podcast)
- How the Sinister Study of Eugenics Legitimized Forced Sterilization in the United States (2021)
The Great Depression
- How The Great Depression Spawned Literary Masterworks
- Hard Times - The Great Depression in Utah
- Dorthea Lange (MoMA) I, DL & Maynard Dixon => Maynard Dixon
- What Caused the Dust Bowl?, The Dust Bowl
- The Bonus Army, The Great Depression, and the G.I. Bill
- The Living New Deal, II
- Download Free Art Books (Metro MMA)
- Grove Art Online
- Ashcan School I,
- ARTstor (image database)
- Precisionism 1, Precis 2, Precis 3, Precis 4, Precis 5, Precis 6, Charles Sheeler
- Black Artists and the March into the Museum
- Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending in context, Nude II,
- Sounds Like Kandinsky + Machine Learning/Augmented Reality (Centre Pompidou 2021)
- Photo-Secession, Pictorialism in America, Alfred Stieglitz and American Photography
- For Italian Futurism, see 3320, European Studies. Also: Cosmopolitan and Colonialist—The Multiple Meanings of Fortunato Depero’s Advertisements
The Harlem Renaissance, Jazz, The Jazz Age, and Beyond
- The NAACA's Origin Story
- JAZZ, PBS companion site to film by Ken Burns (2001)
- The New Negro I
- Teddy Roosevelt's Shocking Dinner with Washington
- B.T.W. Washington - W.E.B. DuBois controversy
- Who Were the Harlem Hellfighters?
- The Hidden History of America's Black Soldiers
- Harlem 1900-1940, An African-American Community
- African American World Timeline (PBS)
- Black Renaissance in Washington, 1920-1930s
- How World War I . . . Transformed Black America
- Alain Locke Finally Laid to Rest (NPR)
- The Lesser Known Josephine Baker I, II
- Adelaide Hall -- The Birth of Scat 1, A Hall 2
- Netflixing Madame C. J. Walker
- Visual Arts in Harlem Renaissance
- Aaron Douglas I, II, III
- Archibald Motley I, II
- Jean Toomer I, II, III, How JT Rejected the Black-White Binary
Allyson Hobbs, 'A Chosen Exile' (on passing, J Toomer) - Claude McKay, Amiable with Big Teeth (2017), "If We Must Die": 100 Years after Red Summer
- Langston Hughes I, II, Not Without Laughter, Testimony in front of HUAC (1953)
- Wallace Thurman I, Niggerati/Fire!!
- Oscar Micheaux I,.II, III, Within Our Gates I, II, III; see also 28 Days, 28 Films below
- Yale History of Sexuality: W Thurman, van Vechten, G Stein, etc.
- Richard Wright I, II: Black Boy, RW - short biography, The Hammer and the Nail: RW's modern condition, Island Hallucination; Native Son (film 2019, Sundance James Baldwin on Native Son; The Man Who Lived Underground (2021), Underground II, Underground III
- 28 Days, 28 Films for Black History Month (NYT 2018)
- The 1619 Project (NYT)
- How Black Communities Built Their Own Schools (ca. 1913-1930)
- A New African-American Identity: The Harlem Ren (Smithsonian)
- Roots of the Harlem Ren and the Civil Rights Movments (story map)
- African American Rights Movements: The Harlem Renaissance
- How Black Cartographers Put Racism on the Map
- Toni Millionaire, Harlem Renaissance: 100 of History, Art, Culture
- The Evolution of Gospel Music -- and the Hammond Organ
- Ralph Ellison I, II: Invisible Man
- W.E.B. DuBois I, II, W.E.B. Dubois Papers, Heart of Smartness: Why we read W.E.B. Dubois? Black Lives 1900: W.E.B. Dubois at the Paris Exposition (2019); W.E.B.DuBois and African American Studies (2023)
- Harlem: Mecca of the New Negro (1925 Survey Graphic Harlem Number)
- Power of Prose -- The Harlem Renaissance (PBS)
- The Harlem Renaissance I, II, III
- The Met Exhibit (finally) on the Harlem Renaissance (PBS, 2024)
- Sterling Brown, The Negro Caravan (documentary)
- Zora Neale Hurston I , II, Mules and Men, "Sweat", Their Eyes; for H's amazing (and little-known) field work footage, see 28 Days, below; Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick (2020); 'You Don't Know Us Negroes' & Other Essays (2022); ZNH: Claiming A Space (PBS 2023)
- Charlotte Osgood Mason I
- Nella Larsen, The Performance of Racial Passing; A Conversation on Passing; Overlooked: Nella Larsen/Wrestling with Race & Sexuality
- Carl van Vechten I, II, III, IV, A Professional Dilettante (LABR 2014)
- I Hear America Singing (PBS)
- Minstrel Shows
- Gullah I, II
- A Nightclub Map of Harlem
- The HR-Student Discovery Sets (iTunes/Lib. of Congress)
- Sex, Booze and Jazz in 1920s Paris
- A Racist World, Described by Those Who Knew It (Robert Penn Warren, Maya Angelou, Richard Wright, Marshall Frady)
- 100 Years Ago, ‘Crazy Blues’ Sparked a Revolution for Black Women Fans
- US Postal Service: Voices from the Harlem Renaissance (2020)
- The Harlem Renaissance: What Was It, and Why Does it Matter? (2015)
- Winold Reiss, Artist of the HR, WR Symposium, WR Partnership
- Black Pete and Black Lives Matter
- Black Kids, The Brownies' Book, and the Defender Junior
- Billie Holiday’s Story Depends on Who’s Telling It => The United States vs. Billie Holiday (new biopic, 2021)
- Why Thomas Jefferson Owned a Qur'an
Special section on English 3620--The Civil War and Beyond,1865-1914
- Redrawing History: Indigenous Perspectives on Colonial America => Ghost River - The Fall and Rise of the Conestoga
- The Civil War
- David Blight, The Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1845-1877
- Roger L. Ransom, The Economics of the Civil War
- Ta-Nehisi Coates, Slavery Made America. The case for reparations: a narrative bibliography
- Reconstruction: America After the Civil War (PBS)
- Eric Foner, Slavery and the Origins of the Civil War (PBS), The Peculiar Institution (chap. 11)
- Promotion: General of the Armies, Ulysses S. Grant (2023) - Black People - 19th Century Photography - Social Change
- Charles Chestnutt, Humor to Combat White Supremacy
- Stephen Crane, Burning Boy. The Life and Work of Stephen Crane (Paul Auster 2021)
- Emily Dickinson, Reviving Emily Dickinson in 10 Episodes, ED is the unlikely hero of our time (8/20); Photograph(s) of ED;
- Perkins Gilman, Halle Butler, "The Trouble with Charlotte Perkins Gilman," Paris Review, 2011; The "Rest Cure" and the "West Cure," 1873-1925
- William Dean Howells, W.H. Howells Society, WDH-Library of America, WDH, WDH - on-line lit
- Henry James, Prefaces to the NY Edition, Cultivating Solitude, The HJ Way, The Strange Case of Henry James's Testicles (BBC Radio); The Sex Lives of the James Family; Colm Toíbín, Henry James in the Closet
- Sui Sin Far (Edith Maud Eaton), Bio/themes, WAMS! (Women & the American Story), "Leaves from the Mental Portfolio of an Eurasian" / "Mrs. Spring Fragrance," "In the Land of the Free"
<=> Politics, Economics and the Chinese Exclusion Act (NPR, Planet Money, 2024, Excellent!) - Mark Twain, MT I, MT in His Times, MT online project, MT Papers (UC Berkeley), MT on Mormonism I, II (Roughing It, ch. 6 + letter); Autobiography (2010) NYT Review)
- Edith Wharton, DQ - "The Other Two";
- Walt Whitman, Preface to Leaves of Grass (first edition, 1855), Preface II, WW Archive, WW, Pictures & Sound, Whitman, Emerson & 19th Century Literary America, LG, Sesquicenntenial Essays (2007), Should Walt Whitman Be #Cancelled? Black America talks back to "The Good Gray Poet" at 200.
- The Americanization of Irving Berlin, "Look out for the Bolsheviki Man," Bolsheviki Man II, "The Revolutionary Rag"
- James Abbott McNeill Whistler & John Ruskin
- Zitkala-Sa I, Z-S II, "Why I am a Pagan" (1902) <=> Carlisle School, PA: Native students resisting assimilation
- The Comstock law, "sex radicals," and contraception (2021)
- The Muckrakers I => Pure Food and Drug Act (1906), Federal Meat Inspection Act (1906); Encyclopedia of Chicago: Meatpacking, Meatpacking & The Jungle, Meatpacking Images; The Poison Squad (PBS); A Century Ago: Muckrakers and "fake news" (The Con, 2/18)
- Encylopedia of Strikes in American History (2009)
- How Humans Became "Consumers": A History (Atlantic 2016); Thorstein Veblen 1; TV 2, TV 3 , TV 4
Individual Writers
For 20th/21st-century American poets, the Modern American Poetry site (above) is generally useful.
See also: Modernism Lab; Annenberg Foundation Voices & Visions;
- Willa Cather I, II, WC, American Masters, Art in WC, "Wagner", Selected Letters (2013) I, SL II
Falling monuments of Spanish colonialism - John Dos Passos I, II, III, JDP: The Art of Fiction, JPD, Hemingway, France,
- Theodore Dreiser, D the journalist, Dreiser Short Stories, Sister Carrie Audiobook, Sister Carrie & The Ferris Wheel? (1893)
- TS Eliot-Letters (rev. ed., 2011), Waste Land iPad App, Waste Land links (The Guardian), T.S. Eliot & Roger Vittoz, Historical Forces Shaping TSE; The Love Song of T.S. Eliot (Audm, 2022)
- John Fante I, II, Sad Flower in the Sand
- William Faulkner I, II, "A Courtship"
- F. Scott Fitzgerald I, FSF II, Gatsby--Treasure Hunt , FSF/Zelda F, Gatz,
FSF, Tender, and Malcolm Lowry
Of interest: Ursula Parrott, Ex-Wife (1929) - (vs. The Great Gatsby? - Jesmyn Ward, "JG: A Dreamer to be Excluded" (NYT, 2018); The Great Gatsby & The Great Depression (2020); Gatsby -- 100 Years Later (2021)
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "The Yellow Wallpaper" I, II
- Ernest Hemingway, [to be developed on day], 10 Interesting Facts About EH; Hemingway (6-hour PBS documentary, 2021)
> A. E. Hotchener, Heminway in Love (2015), Hemingway the Spy I , II, III, H Letters Project: the young Hemingway; opening of new EH archive (9/22); Mary V. Dearborn, Ernest Hemingway, A Biography (2017); Hemingway in Quarantine; Gabriel Garcia Marquez Meets E Hemingway (1957) - Robert E. Howard, Robert E. Howard was a racist. Deal with It. => Link to "Southern Discomfort."
- Sinclair Lewis, Babbitt at 100
- Amy Lowell, Amy Lowell Anew
- Mina Loy, "Feminist Manifesto," FM II (Christina Walter), Navigating the Avant Garde
- Edna St. Vincent Millay, ESt.VM II,
- Eugene O'Neill I, EON II
- Tillie Olsen, The Toll of Women's Labor - on Life & Art (NYT 2021)
- Carl Sandburg I, CS <=> 10 Chicago Writers, Chicago Literature; Poetry Foundation links to Carl Sandburg
- Gertrude Stein I, II, III, GS & Robert Haas
- John Steinbeck, The Joads Turn 75
- Wallace Stevens, MAP-WS
- Hart Crane I, MAP-HC
- Robert Frost I, "The Bleakest of Lords" (NYT 1977); "The Dark Side of Frost" (WP, 1977) RF II, RF's Last Adventure; Fence Ecology <=> "Mending Wall"; "The Bleakest of
- Susan Glaspell I, II,
- H. L. Mencken I, II, III, IV
- Henry Miller, HM at Big Sur => Nepenthe Restaurant
- Marianne Moore I, "Nevertheless,"
- O'Henry (William Sidney Porter), Are All Stories O'Henry Stories?
- Ezra Pound Society, EP-Documentary, "Ezra Pound Speaking" (radio transcripts); Penn Sound: Ezra Pound, Attainted: The Life and Afterlife of EP in Italy; EP and Olga Rudge: The Last 10 Years, Pound and Casa Pound, Brunnenburg and Merano; The Sound of Pound: A Listener's Guide
=> American Modernist Writers and the Orient
=> James Laughlin, champion of literature - New Directions - J.D. Salinger, When J.D. S Lost the Girl and Went to War
- Upton Sinclair, Jungle Centennial (1906), II, III
- COVID19 - Meat Packing Then and Now - Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1942) - revisited
- Robert Penn Warren I, II, III
- Nathanael West I, NW II, Lonely, Locust, Lonelyhearts (Bio)
- Thornton Wilder, Our Town
- William Carlos Williams, "The Great Figure", "WCB-Bio / "To Elsie"
- Genius: Thomas Wolfe & Maxwell Perkins (2016)
- Eudora Welty, reading "Why I Live at the P.O."
- The Seminal Novel about the 1918 Flu Pandemic: Pale Horse, Pale Rider (1939)
Related Figures and Developments
- Armory Show I, II
- Expressionism I, II
- Eadweard Muybridge I, II
- Thomas Alva Edison I, "Fred Ott's Sneeze"
- Imagism I, II
- Klu Klux Klan I, II
- Margaret Sanger I, II, III, MS Papers
- Charlie Chaplin I, II Modern Times
- Reginald Marsh I, II
- Precisionism I, II
- E Hopper, Nighthawks,
- Paul Strand & Charles Sheeler, Manhatta, II, III - Red Scare I, II, III, Creel Commission, First Red Scare
John Reed I, II, III, Ten Days
- Bruce Barton I, II
- The Great Depression, Woody Guthrie, "Dustbowl Blues"
- Oswald Mosley -- founder of the British Union of Fascists
- Test Results Are In: The Secret About Harding is Out
- "The Bonus Army" and the Torching of Hooverville
- Sacco & Vanzetti I, II, III
- The Scopes Trial I, II
- Provincetown Players I, II, III, IV (Art)
- Literary Naturalism I, II, III
- Vorticism I, II, III, IV
- Wie deutsch ist Pablo Picasso?
- The Case against Woodrow Wilson at Princeton
- Norman Rockwell and Race: Complicating R's Legacy ; The Problem We All Live With (1964)
DVDs (in Stewart Library, eclectic)
- People's Century (PBS) a fine series of documentary films chronicling much of the 20th century
- Joel and Ethan Coen, Barton Fink (keywords: Clifford Odets, William Faulkner, Writers in Hollywood)
- James Joyce & Syphilis
- E. M. Forster, Howards End and
- last updated, 3 December 2024