
Metaphor hosts an annual contest for students to gain professional writing experience, have their art featured in our journal, and interact with peers and faculty. Check out below to submit.


Flash Fiction Submission Requirements

  • Students may submit up to three pieces.
  • Pieces must be between 400-1,000 words.
  • 12 pt., Times New Roman or Garamond font, double-spaced.
  • Submissions should be in PDF, Microsoft Word, or Open Office format.
  • Include page numbers and a header with the title of your piece on each page.
  • Pieces are judged blindly, and there should be no author information on/within the piece.
  • Include a cover page with contact information, including name, address, phone number, and email address.

Poetry Submission Requirements

  • Students may submit up to three pieces.
  • Pieces must be no longer than two pages.
  • 12 pt., Times New Roman or Garamond font, double-spaced.
  • Submissions should be in PDF, Microsoft Word or Open Office format.
  • Include page numbers and a header with the title of your piece on each page.
  • Pieces are judged blindly, and there should be no author information on/within the piece.
  • Include a cover page with contact information, including name, address, phone number, and email address.

How to Submit

Email a copy of your work to Include Metaphor Writing Contest in your email subject line, and include your name and phone number in the body of the email. All submissions must be original and unpublished.


Contest Prizes

  • First place in each genre wins $50
  • Second place in each genre wins $30
  • Third place in each genre wins $20

Additionally, the first-place submissions will be published in the spring issue of Metaphor. Runners-up will also be considered for publication.