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Sandra Ladd Grogan, BS ’02, MCJ ’04

Supervisor, Weber Metro Crime Scene Investigation Unit

What did you like about Weber State’s MCJ program?

The professors know what they are talking about; they don’t just teach theories from a book. For example, when learning how to budget, we had a professor who had created and directed budgets in the real world, from the field.

How did you get started in law enforcement?

Upon graduation, I earned a part-time job with the Weber Metro Crime Scene Investigation Unit—exactly the field I wanted to be in—which led to a full-time job, which led to taking yet another chance in 2009: applying to be the unit’s supervisor.

How did the MCJ program impact your career?

I know specifically from the interview board and my superiors that my dedication to education was one of the factors they looked at when making their decision. I now supervise the best crime scene investigators in Utah. I would never have been offered this position had I not come back to Weber State for the Master of Criminal Justice program.