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Dr. Jishan Ahmed

Contact Information

Phone: 801-626-6087
Office Location: 
Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)
Room 381X



Ph.D. in Data Science at Bowling Green State University, OH
M.A. in Mathematics at Ball State University, IN
M.S. in Applied Mathematics at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
B.S. in Mathematics at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Teaching Philosophy & Focus

Empowering my students to reach their goals by fostering their confidence in their ability is the primary focus of my teaching career. Throughout my teaching career, I encourage my students with the “we can do it” philosophy by incorporating a variety of collaborative learning approaches. Student participation in discussions is paramount to my teaching philosophy and therefore I followed a flipped classroom model to encourage my students to actively engage with the classroom materials, myself, and each other. I believe this hinges on my ability to create a safe and comfortable environment where all students know their ideas are heard and valued.

Courses Taught

MATH 3410: Probability & Statistics I
MATH 6500: Factor and Cluster Analysis

Search Catalog For Course Details

Research Areas of Interest

My primary research field is Data Science, with a specific emphasis on Machine Learning and Deep Learning. My research involves the analysis of longitudinal healthcare data, device sensor data, and unstructured satellite imagery data. These analyses are often conducted in the context of public health crises or issues. Additionally, I am expanding my focus to include text analytics, aiming to contribute to the field of computational social science.

Google Scholar Profile

GitLab Profile


Let's Connect!
o: 801-626-6095
f: 801-626-6427
To book a math major advising appointment:

Math Placement Information


Office hours

Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
For questions or concerns,  email

Mailing address

Weber State University
Department of Mathematics
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2517
Ogden, UT 84408-2517

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)
Room 381, Mail Code 2517

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