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Studying Philosophy at Weber State

Weber State’s philosophy major teaches curious, thoughtful students to examine their belief systems as they learn about the influential thinkers who have shaped the ways we think about values, knowledge and the nature of reality.

Philosophy Highlights

Weber State’s philosophy program offers both a major and a minor. Because philosophy is foundational to every other discipline, the philosophy minor pairs well with any major.

As a philosophy major, you can apply for scholarships through the Richard Richards Institute for Ethics, which promotes ethical behavior at all levels of government and business.

Beyond the Classroom

As a philosophy student, you can join Weber State’s Philosophy Club (NOUS), which meets regularly to discuss issues of philosophical importance.

You can also join Weber State’s successful ethics bowl team to debate moral issues against teams from other schools. Many philosophy majors also expand on what they learn in the classroom through Weber State’s moot court and mock trial team.

What You’ll LEARN at Weber

You’ll learn the ideas of influential past and contemporary thinkers who have sought to understand the world and how we experience it.

In addition, you’ll gain skills in sound practical reasoning, deductive logic and language analysis.

Courses also teach you to critically analyze non-philosophical disciplines.

What You CAN DO After Weber

Philosophy provides skills that you will find useful, no matter your life path.

Graduates have gone on to careers in business, government, law and the military, as well as to pursue advanced degrees in a variety of disciplines.

If you have questions, contact a WSU Career Advisor.

Faculty Perspective

I love how enthusiastic our philosophy majors are. Philosophy is not a spectator sport, and they dive right in to tackle some of the world’s greatest and most-enduring ideas. They all bring different perspectives and experiences to the material, and I’m fortunate to learn a lot from them.

Mary Beth Willard