Studying Anthropology at Weber State
Weber State’s anthropology program studies human differences and similarities, culturally and biologically, around the world throughout time. Choose between general anthropology or archaeology tracks, or complete an archaeological technician institutional certificate.
Anthropology Highlights
Weber State anthropology students get hands-on training in well-equipped archaeology and biological anthropology labs, which will moved to Lindquist Hall, a new, state-of-the-art facility in 2019.
Beyond the Classroom
As an anthropology major, you can participate in the Summer Archaeology Field School and study abroad trips, where you’ll learn survey and excavation methods, classification skills and discover undergraduate research opportunities in locations such as France, Germany, Austria, China, Ireland and the Czech Republic.
Lisa Robertson
Class of 2023
“The anthropology program gave me the fundamentals I needed to pursue a career in archaeology. The program offers a beautiful setting where faculty are advocates for their students.”