Don Jarvis
Provo Mayor’s Sustainability Adviser, Provo City
Thursday, March 17, 2022 at 3:30 p.m. | Residential Electrification in Utah: An Economic Lens
Don Jarvis is the Provo Mayor’s Sustainability Adviser, Chair of the Provo City Sustainability & Natural Resources Committee, and Secretary of the Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Clean Air Task Force. He is also a member of the Utah Citizens’ Council, a trustee of Centro Hispano (a support center for immigrants), past President of Provo Rotary Club, a member of Provo City’s Agriculture Commission, and LDS Earth Stewardship. He publishes quarterly editorials in Utah County’s Daily Herald. Don is a retired BYU Professor of Russian who lived and worked enough in Russia and Eastern Europe to deeply appreciate a free press, citizen activism, and democracy.