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Third Party Network Access and Use

This guideline provides guidance for third-party network access to and use of Weber State University’s internal network. This guideline is designed to supplement university policies 10-1 -- Information Security Policy, 10-2 -- Acceptable Use Policy, and 10-3 -- Network Security/Firewall Policy.


1. Third Party Network Access and Use – Overview

1.1 All third party users connecting to the university’s network, either internally or via remote access, will adhere to the university’s policies and guidelines defined in this document.

2. Third Party Network Access and Use – Requests

2.1 Regardless of the purpose, all third party users requiring access to the university’s network are required to obtain approval from the appropriate College or Departmental Data Security Steward (DSS).

2.2 Third party users are also required to sign an acknowledgment that they have read and accepted the university’s guidelines for accessing and using the university’s network. This form is available at

3. Third Party Network Access and Use – Configuration and Control

3.1 The services and application software made available to third-party users connecting to the university’s network will be limited to those that are necessary for their contract to be fulfilled and work completed.

4. Third Party Network Access and Use – Management and Monitoring

4.1 All short-term requests by third-party uses to access and use the university’s network should be established by the appropriate IT Specialist and are encouraged to use WSU Guest network.

4.2 All long-term requests by third-party use to access and use the university’s network should be established by the appropriate IT specialist and are encouraged to use the WSU Guest network.

4.3 All long-term requests by third party users to access and use the university’s network will be kept in a registration log by the Information Security Office.

4.4 The IT Division Service Desk (801-626-7777) is available to provide assistance in setting up a third-party connection to WSU’s network.

5. Third Party Network Use and Access - User Responsibilities

5.1 Third party entities will follow the terms of all applicable university policies, procedures, guidelines, standards and all applicable local, state and federal regulations when using equipment connected to the university’s network.

5.2 Implement the recommended security software, hardware settings, patches and protocols on end-user equipment before using this equipment to access the university’s network.

5.3 Register with the appropriate Data Security Custodian before attempting to access the university’s network via direct connection or remote access.

5.4 Report known misuse or abuse of the university’s network or associated equipment immediately to the IT Division Service Desk (626-7777).


Network – A configuration of communications equipment and communication links by network cabling or satellite which enables computers and their terminals to be geographically separated while still connected to each other.

Policy – A policy is defined as “An agreed approach in theoretical form, which has been agreed to/ratified by a governing body, which defines direction and degrees of freedom for action.”

Third Party Network Access and Use – A computer connected to the university’s business or academic network by any person or persons not affiliated with Weber State University (i.e. not a student, faculty member, or staff).

Third Party Network Access and Use Agreement