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Data Classification Matrix

This document is intended for data protection only—do not use for data disclosure. Data protection is the implementation of administrative, technical, or physical measures to guard against the unauthorized access to data.

Any information classified differently per regulation or policy will be protected at the highest classification level.

Categories (2) Confidential, (3) Restricted and (4) High Risk are classified as Sensitive Information per PPM 10-1, Information Security Policy.

Data Classification Matrix

Public (P): Although there are no restrictions on disclosure to protect public data, because the data is provided for broad viewing access, sufficient protection must be applied to prevent unauthorized modification of such data.

Confidential (C): Data that the University has determined should be protected because it may expose the University to loss if disclosed, but is not protected by federal or state legislation.

Restricted (R): Information assets for which there are legal requirements prohibiting or imposing financial penalties for unauthorized disclosure. Data covered by federal and state legislation, such as FERPA, GRAMA, or the Data Protection Act, are in this class.

High Risk (H): Data that could be used to steal an individual's identity or cause harm to the individual, and which there are legal requirements or industry standards prohibiting or imposing financial penalties for unauthorized disclosure. Data covered by GLB and PCI are in this class.

Data / Information / Record Group(s)
Address, telephone, email address FERPA*
Attendance Dates FERPA*
Birthdates / birthplace FERPA, GRAMA
Degrees / honors / scholarships FERPA*
Last school attended FERPA*
Major field of study FERPA*
Name of student FERPA*
Name / weight / height (Athletes Only) FERPA*
Number of course units in which enrolled FERPA*
Participation in official activities FERPA*
Password University
Student ID number FERPA, GRAMA
Class level FERPA
Class schedule FERPA
Student enrollment FERPA, GRAMA
Current academic status FERPA, GRAMA
Ethnicity FERPA, GRAMA
Fees assessed or paid FERPA, GRAMA
Financial aid recipient FERPA, GRAMA
Gender GRAMA
Grade point average or grade points FERPA, GRAMA
Grades in courses FERPA, GRAMA
Instructors FERPA
Parent's or guardian's name or address FERPA
Past academic status FERPA, GRAMA
Residency status (fees) FERPA, GRAMA
Selective service/veterans administration status FERPA
Special programs (i.e., EOP) FERPA
Transcript FERPA, GRAMA
Units attempted FERPA
Units completed FERPA
Social security number GLB, PCI
Credit card number PCI
Bank account numbers GLB
Tax Identifier Number (TIN) GLB, PCI

*: Per FERPA, student directory information is classified as public unless the student chooses to restrict this information by notifying the Registration or Admissions Office that they want their information kept confidential.